Do you think students should take part-time jobs while studying? Why / Why not?

I think they should take this step if they want to. But sometimes it’s impossible for students to find a job. One of the reasons is that they have too many classes and simply don’t have the time. Another one is that unemployment in Poland is high and it’s hard for an educated and experienced person to find a job, let alone an unexperienced student. However, part-time job could be very beneficial especially if students could work in their profession.

This is a terrible idea. University studies are hard enough for a regular student to be overburdened with studying that should be their priority as it gives them grounds for looking for a proper, well-paid job in the future. Trying to do extra work just to earn some more money of their own is only a distraction from what students should really focus all their energy on, and does not pay off in a long run.


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