Wedding invitations – Zaproszenia na ślub

Please share our joy as we Mary Jones and Edward Gree exchange marriage vows and begin our new life together on Saturday, 24th October, 2015, at 4 p.m.

The ceremony will be held at St. Mary’s Church and followed by a reception at the Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton

RSVP by 10th October


wyrażenia i słownictwo:

share our joy – podziel się z nami radością

as – gdyż

exchange marriage vows – złożyć sobie wzajemnie przysięgę małżeńską

begin – zaczynać

new life – nowe życie

the ceremony will be held – ceremonia odbędzie się

the ceremony will by followed by a reception – po ceremonii nastąpi wesele

RSVP by – prosimy o odpowiedź do dnia



Ms. Mary Jones and Mr. Edward Green

together with their parents

request the honour of your company

at their marriage

which will take place

on Saturday, 24th October, 2015, at 4 p.m.

The ceremony will be held at St. Mary’s Church

followed by a reception at the Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton

RSVP by 10th October


wyrażenia i słownictwo:

together with their parents – razem ze swoimi rodzicami

request the honour of someone’s company – prosić o zaszczycenie kogoś swoją obecnością

marriage – zaślubiny

take place – odbywać się

the ceremony will be held – ceremonia odbędzie się

the ceremony will by followed by a reception – po ceremonii odbędzie się wesele

RSVP by – prosimy o odpowiedź do dnia



Mary Jones and Edward Green

are happy to announce

their marriage on Saturday, 24th October, 2015.

Please join them at their wedding ceremony at 4 p.m.

at St. Mary’s Church


Reception to follow at the Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton

RSVP by 10th October


wyrażenia i słownictwo:

happy to anounce – miło ogłosić

marriage – zaślubiny

join – przyłączyć się

wedding ceremony – ceremonia zaślubin

reception to follow – następnie odbędzie się wesele

RSVP by – prosimy o odpowiedź do dnia



Mr Christopher Jones and Mrs Charlotte Jones

request the pleasure of your company

at the marriage of their daughter

Mary Jones to Mr. Edward Green

at St. Mary’s Church

on Saturday, Twenty Fourth October, Two Thousand and Fifteen, at Four o’clock.

and afterward at the reception at the Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton


RSVP by Tenth October, Two Thousand and Fifteen


wyrażenia i słownictwo:

request the pleasure of your company – prosić o zaszczycenie swoją obecnością

the marriage of their daughter – ślub ich córki

afterward – następnie

at the reception – na weselu

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