1003. Family and Professions

Complete the text with words from the box.
parentssiblingsauntuncleboyfriendhusbandbrothersistergrandmothercousinscatguard dogdoctormechanicteacherstudentslawyerfarmerchemistdentist

My father’s mother is my . She is a . She teaches children at school. Her is my grandfather. He is a . He cultivates plants and breeds cows. My mother and father are my .

My mother is a . She cures people. I have two . My is a student. He is 10 years old. My studies law at university. She wants to become a . She has a who she is going to marry when she graduates from university. He wants to be a . He loves chemistry. My father’s brother is my . He repairs cars. He is a . His wife is my .

She is a . She takes care of teeth. Their children are my . They go to school. They are . My family has a which guards our possession and a which is a very cute and friendly animal.


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