Mapa strony
- Advertisement [B1]
- Art tools [A1]
- Bank [B2]
- Bathroom [A2]
- Bathroom (Łazienka)
- Bathroom (Łazienka) #2
- Bathroom (Łazienka) #3
- Beauty and cosmetics [B1]
- Bedroom (Sypialnia)
- Bedroom (Sypialnia) #2
- Beginner (Podstawy)
- Beginner (Podstawy) #2
- Beginner (Podstawy) #3
- Body parts (Części ciała)
- Buildings [A2]
- Business [B2]
- Car [B1]
- Character features [A2]
- City [A1]
- Clothes (Ubrania)
- Clothes (Ubrania) #2
- Clothes [A1]
- Common verbs [A1]
- Computer world [A2]
- Coronavirus vocabulary [B2]
- Crime and the law [B1]
- Culture [A2]
- Części domu (Parts of house)
- Drinks and beverages [A2]
- Ecology [B2]
- Emotions [A1]
- Family [A1]
- Films [B2]
- Friendship [B1]
- Fruit (Owoce)
- Fruit and vegetables [A1]
- Health problems [A2]
- Hobby [B1]
- Home [A1]
- Hospital [A2]
- Human body [A1]
- In the garden [B1]
- Insects [A2]
- Keeping a dog [B2]
- Kitchen activities [B2]
- Kitchen [A2]
- Literature [B1]
- Means of transport [A1]
- Money (Pieniądze)
- Musical instruments [A1]
- Nature [A1]
- Office (Biuro)
- Office [B1]
- Parts of house (Części domu)
- Parts of house (Części domu) #2
- Parts of house (Części domu) #3
- Personal belongings [B1]
- Phrasal verbs [B2]
- Pory roku (Seasons)
- Professions [A2]
- School utensils [A1]
- Shops [A2]
- Sport [A2]
- State and politics [B2]
- Student life [B2]
- Sweets [A1]
- Sypialnia (Bedroom)
- The weather [A1]
- Tools [A2]
- Village [A2]
- Łazienka (Bathroom)
- platnosc
- Confusing English (Kłopotliwy angielski)
- A1.1. This/That and These/Those
- A1.10. LOL, YOLO, ROFL… and many more
- A1.11. Homophones
- A1.12. Multiple meanings
- A1.13. One letter
- A1.14. IN, ON or AT
- A1.2. Irregular Plural Nouns
- A1.3. Capital letters
- A1.4. DO or MAKE?
- A1.5. “Going to” and “going to”
- A1.6. Family members
- A1.7. For, since, ago… – talking about the time
- A1.8. SOME or ANY?
- A1.9. MUCH or MANY?
- A2.1. “I” or “me”?
- A2.10. Synonyms
- A2.11. Homophones
- A2.12. Homophones and Confusables: Wear / Were / Where / We’re
- A2.13. Similes
- A2.14. One letter
- A2.2. Irregular Plural Nouns
- A2.3. Capital letters
- A2.4. DO or MAKE?
- A2.5. Speak or talk?
- A2.6. WHO, WHOM or WHOSE?
- A2.7. Countries and nationalities
- A2.8. Job / Profession / Occupation
- A2.9 CAN or MUST? (Modal verbs)
- B1.1. Different Meanings
- B1.10. Indirect questions
- B1.11. Pronouns
- B1.12. Homophones and Confusables: Whether / Weather
- B1.13. Base and strong adjectives
- B1.14. Articles
- B1.15. British English vs American English
- B1.2. Key Questions (Basic Questions)
- B1.3. False Friends English – Polish
- B1.4. Letter patterns
- B1.5. Phrasal Verbs
- B1.6. Idioms
- B1.7. Less or fewer?
- B1.8. Synonyms
- B1.9. Irregular Adjectives
- B2.1. Phrasal Verbs
- B2.10. Homophones
- B2.11. Homophones and Confusables: Our / Are
- B2.12. Idioms
- B2.13. Sayings and proverbs
- B2.14. One letter
- B2.2. Phrasal Verbs II
- B2.3. False Friends English – Polish
- B2.4. False Friends II Polish – English
- B2.5. City, town, county, village? Settlement hierarchy in UK
- B2.6. Proper Nouns and Common Nouns
- B2.7. Different meanings
- B2.8. Question Tags
- B2.9. To, Two and Too
- Listening with understanding (Słuchanie ze zrozumieniem)
- A1.1. Your new pet
- A1.2. A visit in the zoo
- A1.3. Life in the village
- A1.4. Traveling with children
- A1.5. What do you do when you get lost in a strange city?
- A1.6. The British Celts
- A1.7. The Viking Age in Britain
- A1.8. The weather in Great Britain
- A1.9. My garden
- A2.1. A healthy diet
- A2.2. How to behave on a first date?
- A2.3. What to do when someone breaks into your house?
- A2.4. Who is a successful person?
- A2.5. The difference between love and friendship
- A2.6. Love story in Verona
- A2.7. “The Beatles” – symbol of the British music
- A2.8. The London Eye
- A2.9. My plans for the future
- B1.1. How to choose a birthday gift?
- B1.2. A lazy person
- B1.3. Annoying habits
- B1.4. Is it worth it to study?
- B1.5. Working from home
- B1.6. What makes the perfect English Breakfast?
- B1.7. Tea in Britain
- B1.8. Emily’s first day at school
- B1.9. How to learn English effectively?
- B2.1. Dress code at work
- B2.2. Strange foods in Asia
- B2.3. Blackmail
- B2.4. Quitting smoking
- B2.5. Being a rock star
- B2.6. Hachiko – The world’s most loyal dog
- B2.7. Eddie the Eagle – Britain’s Most Lovable Ski Jumper
- B2.8. Audrey Hepburn – the icon of beauty, elegance and… helpfulness
- B2.9. Working for large companies
- Reading Comprehension (Czytanie ze zrozumieniem)
- A1.1. My family
- A1.10. Reading an instruction
- A1.11. My siblings’ wardrobe
- A1.12. A visit in the zoo
- A1.13. Communication – Short Message Service
- A1.14. The history of surnames
- A1.15. My best friend
- A1.2. Occupations
- A1.3. In the city
- A1.4. Preparing for a school day
- A1.5. The perfect hobby
- A1.6. During the holidays
- A1.7. Birthday cooking
- A1.8. My typical day
- A1.9. In my grandma’s garden
- A2.1. Christmas
- A2.10. Containers
- A2.11. Australia
- A2.12. Reading news story in a paper
- A2.13. To the life boats. Titanic’s last hours story.
- A2.14. Helping others – Voluntary work
- A2.15. Easter
- A2.2. Technology
- A2.3. Sport
- A2.4. Fruits
- A2.5. Kitchen
- A2.6. Accessories
- A2.7. Materials
- A2.8. Patterns
- A2.9. Everyday activity
- B1.1. Stages in life
- B1.10. Education
- B1.11. Role models
- B1.2. Appearance
- B1.3. Personality
- B1.4. Childhood
- B1.5. Traveling
- B1.6. Help Wanted! Kid’s Club is looking for new candidates!
- B1.7. Town and village
- B1.8. John and the tree
- B1.9. Reading the biography – William Shakespeare
- B2.1. Yoga
- B2.2. Feelings
- B2.3. Stereotypes
- B2.4. Emigration
- B2.5. Media
- B2.6. The big story: brother and sister have survived a 14-hour swim
- B2.7. Reading the cinema review – “Forrest Gump”
- B2.8. The discovery of fire in diffferent cultures
- B2.9. Guy Fawkes Night
- Confusing English (Kłopotliwy angielski)
- return
- Na dworcu autobusowym (At the bus statation)
- Na dworcu kolejowym (At the railway station)
- Na imprezie (At the party)
- Na randce (On the date)
- Na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej (At the job interview)
- Na siłowni (At the gym)
- Pytanie o drogę (Asking for directions)
- Robienie zakupów (Doing the shopping) (1)
- Robienie zakupów (Doing the shopping) (2)
- Robienie zakupów (Doing the shopping) (3)
- Robienie zakupów (Doing the shopping) (4)
- Robienie zakupów (Doing the shopping) (5)
- U fotografa (At the photographer’s)
- U fryzjera (At the hairdresser’s)
- U lekarza (At a doctor’s)
- W aptece (At the chemist’s)
- W banku (At the bank)
- W biurze podróży (At the travel agency)
- W gabinecie dentystycznym (At a dentist’s surgery)
- W gabinecie weterynaryjnym (At the vet’s office)
- W hotelu (At the hotel)
- W kinie (At the cinema)
- W kwiaciarni (At the florist’s)
- W perfumerii (At the perfume shop)
- W piekarni (At the baker’s)
- W punkcie szczepień przeciw COVID-19 (At the COVID-19 vaccination point)
- W restauracji (At a restaurant)
- W salonie kosmetycznym (At the beauty salon)
- W warsztacie (At the garage)
- Wynajem samochodu (Renting a car)
- Zdania do tłumaczenia (Sentences to translate)
- Zdania A1-A2
- Zestaw 1
- Zestaw 10
- Zestaw 11
- Zestaw 12
- Zestaw 13
- Zestaw 14
- Zestaw 15
- Zestaw 16
- Zestaw 17
- Zestaw 18
- Zestaw 19
- Zestaw 2
- Zestaw 20
- Zestaw 21
- Zestaw 22
- Zestaw 23
- Zestaw 24
- Zestaw 25
- Zestaw 26
- Zestaw 27
- Zestaw 28
- Zestaw 29
- Zestaw 3
- Zestaw 30
- Zestaw 31
- Zestaw 32
- Zestaw 33
- Zestaw 34
- Zestaw 35
- Zestaw 36
- Zestaw 37
- Zestaw 38
- Zestaw 39
- Zestaw 4
- Zestaw 40
- Zestaw 41
- Zestaw 42
- Zestaw 43
- Zestaw 44
- Zestaw 45
- Zestaw 46
- Zestaw 47
- Zestaw 48
- Zestaw 49
- Zestaw 5
- Zestaw 50
- Zestaw 6
- Zestaw 7
- Zestaw 8
- Zestaw 9
- Zdania B1-B2
- Zestaw 1
- Zestaw 10
- Zestaw 11
- Zestaw 12
- Zestaw 13
- Zestaw 14
- Zestaw 15
- Zestaw 16
- Zestaw 17
- Zestaw 18
- Zestaw 19
- Zestaw 2
- Zestaw 20
- Zestaw 21
- Zestaw 22
- Zestaw 23
- Zestaw 24
- Zestaw 25
- Zestaw 26
- Zestaw 27
- Zestaw 28
- Zestaw 29
- Zestaw 3
- Zestaw 30
- Zestaw 31
- Zestaw 32
- Zestaw 33
- Zestaw 34
- Zestaw 35
- Zestaw 36
- Zestaw 37
- Zestaw 38
- Zestaw 39
- Zestaw 4
- Zestaw 40
- Zestaw 41
- Zestaw 42
- Zestaw 43
- Zestaw 44
- Zestaw 45
- Zestaw 46
- Zestaw 47
- Zestaw 48
- Zestaw 49
- Zestaw 5
- Zestaw 50
- Zestaw 6
- Zestaw 7
- Zestaw 8
- Zestaw 9
- Zdania C1-C2
- Zestaw 1
- Zestaw 10
- Zestaw 11
- Zestaw 12
- Zestaw 13
- Zestaw 14
- Zestaw 15
- Zestaw 16
- Zestaw 17
- Zestaw 18
- Zestaw 19
- Zestaw 2
- Zestaw 20
- Zestaw 21
- Zestaw 22
- Zestaw 23
- Zestaw 24
- Zestaw 25
- Zestaw 26
- Zestaw 27
- Zestaw 28
- Zestaw 29
- Zestaw 3
- Zestaw 30
- Zestaw 31
- Zestaw 32
- Zestaw 33
- Zestaw 34
- Zestaw 35
- Zestaw 36
- Zestaw 37
- Zestaw 38
- Zestaw 39
- Zestaw 4
- Zestaw 40
- Zestaw 5
- Zestaw 6
- Zestaw 7
- Zestaw 8
- Zestaw 9
- Zdania A1-A2
- 001. “To be”
- 002. “To be”
- 003. Demonstrative pronouns
- 004. Demonstrative pronouns
- 005. Clock time
- 006. Cardinal Numbers
- 007. Connecting Conjunctions: “and”, “but”
- 008. Connecting Conjunctions: “so”, “because“
- 009. Personal and Possessive Pronouns Revision
- 010. Prepositions
- 011. Plural forms of Nouns
- 012. Plural forms of Nouns
- 013. Plural forms of Nouns
- 014. Plural forms of Nouns
- 015. Comparative Adjectives
- 016. Comparative Adjectives
- 017. Adverbs of time and frequency
- 018. Adverbs of time and frequency
- 019. Creating simple sentences
- 020. Creating simple sentences
- 021. Quantifiers: “some”, “any”, “no”
- 022. Quantifiers: “some”, “any”, “no”
- 023. Questions and Answers
- 024. Mixed Grammar
- 025. Ordinal Numbers
- 026. Can / Can’t
- 027. Do, don’t, does, doesn’t
- 028. Inversion in Questions – Present
- 029. Inversion in Questions – Past
- 030. WH-questions 1
- 031. WH-questions 2
- 032. Saxon Genitive
- 033. Saxon Genitive
- 034. There is / There are
- 035. There is / There are
- 036. Have got / Has got
- 037. Have got / Has got
- 038. “To be”
- 039. “To be”
- 040. Present Simple – Affirmatives
- 041. Present Simple – Affirmatives
- 042. Present Simple – Mixed
- 043. Present Simple – Mixed
- 044. Present Continuous – Mixed
- 045. Present Continuous – Mixed
- 046. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
- 047. Present Simple and Present Continuous – Revision
- 048. Present Simple and Present Continuous – Revision
- 049. Superlative adjectives
- 050. Superlative adjectives
- 051. Adjectives with “ed” “ing”
- 052. Adjectives with “ed” “ing”
- 053. Adjectives describing personality
- 054. Defining relative clauses: who, which, where
- 055. Defining relative clauses: who, which, where
- 056. Definite and indefinite article
- 057. Definite and indefinite article
- 058. Definite and indefinite article
- 059. Definite and indefinite article
- 060. Expressions with make or do
- 061. Automatic result in Zero Conditional
- 062. First Conditional – Revision
- 063. First Conditional – Summary
- 064. Future – “will” and “going to”
- 065. Future – “will” and “going to”
- 066. HOW – Questions 1
- 067. HOW – Questions 2
- 068. Ask for the amount 1
- 069. Ask for the amount 2
- 070. Quantifiers
- 071. Quantifiers
- 072. Adjectives with “too” and “enough”
- 073. Adjectives with “too” and “enough”
- 074. Gerunds
- 075. Gerunds
- 076. Have to / Should / Must
- 077. Have to / Should / Must
- 078. Must / Mustn’t / Can
- 079. Must / Mustn’t / Can
- 080. Adverbs of Place: some-, any-, no-, every-
- 081. Adverbs of Place: some-, any-, no-, every-
- 082. Preposition of time
- 083. Preposition of time
- 084. Should / Shouldn’t
- 085. Adjectives with “so” and “such”
- 086. Adjectives with “so” and “such”
- 087. Will / Won’t
- 088. Will / Won’t
- 089. Present Perfect – Mixed
- 090. Present Perfect – Mixed
- 091. Present Perfect and Past Simple
- 092. Present Perfect and Past Simple
- 093. Present Simple and Present Continuous – Check yourself
- 094. Present Simple and Present Continuous – Check yourself
- 095. Past Simple – Irregular Verbs
- 096. Past Simple – Irregular Verbs
- 097. Understanding the Adjectives
- 098. Understanding the Adjectives
- 099. Understanding the Adverbs
- 100. Understanding the Adverbs
- 101. Adjectives vs. Adverbs
- 102. Adjectives vs. Adverbs
- 103. First and Second Conditional – Summary
- 104. First and Second Conditional – Revision
- 105. As and like
- 106. As and like
- 107. Both / either / neither in sentence
- 108. Both / either / neither in sentence
- 109. Cause and effect
- 110. Cause and effect
- 111. Collocations
- 112. Gerunds vs Infinitive
- 113. Gerunds vs Infinitive
- 114. Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous – Revision 1
- 115. Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous – Revision 2
- 116. Have something done
- 117. Have something done
- 118. Intensifiers
- 119. Intensifiers
- 120. Must / have to
- 121. Must / have to
- 122. Indirect Questions 1
- 123. Indirect Questions 2
- 124. Passive Voice – Mixed
- 125. Passive Voice – Mixed
- 126. Passive Voice – Revision 1
- 127. Passive Voice – Revision 1
- 128. Reported Speech – Mixed
- 129. Reported Speech – Mixed
- 130. Prepositions of place
- 131. Prepositions of place
- 132. Proverbs
- 133. Proverbs
- 134. Proverbs
- 135. Proverbs
- 136. Question Tags 3
- 137. Question Tags 4
- 138. Than / as / that in the sentence
- 139. Than / as / that in the sentence
- 140. Preposition and time Adverbials
- 141. Word Formation
- 142. Word Formation
- 143. Word Formation
- 144. Word Formation
- 145. Past Simple and Past Continuous – Mixed
- 146. Past Simple and Past Continuous – Revision
- 147. Past Simple and Past Continuous – Revision
- 148. Past Perfect and Past Simple
- 149. Past Perfect and Past Simple
- 150. Conditionals – mixed sentences
- 151. Conditionals – mixed sentences
- 152. Expressions with go
- 153. Expressions with go
- 154. Key word transformation sentence
- 155. Key word transformation sentence
- 156. Linking Words
- 157. Linking Words
- 158. Mixed Tenses
- 159. Modal Verbs Revision
- 160. Modal Verbs Revision
- 161. Verbs – multiple choice test
- 162. Verbs – multiple choice test
- 163. British and American English
- 164. Prefixes
- 165. Prefixes
- 166. Preposition followed by Noun
- 167. Preposition followed by Noun
- 168. Question Tags 1
- 169. Question Tags 2
- 170. Reported Speech – Revision
- 171. Reported Speech – Revision
- 172. Present Simple and Present Continuous
- 173. Present Simple and Present Continuous
- 174. Stylistic Inversion
- 175. Suffixes
- 176. Suffixes
- 177. Used to, would, be/get used to
- 178. Used to, would, be/get used to
- 179. Wishes, unreal past
- 180. Wishes, unreal past
- 181. Word Formation
- 201. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
- 202. Noun + other parts of speech
- 203. Omission of articles
- 204. Adjectives in correct order
- 205. Use Comparison in the sentence
- 206. The +adjective to refer a group of people
- 207. Adjective in the sentence with “How” and “What”
- 208. Adverbs of Place
- 209. Adverbs of Manner
- 210. Adverbs of Degree
- 211. Adverbials of Probability (Possibility) and Certainty
- 212. Also, just, yet, already, only, still…
- 213. Position of Adverbs in the sentence
- 214. Position of Adverbs in the sentence
- 215. Personal Pronouns / Affirmatives
- 216. Personal Pronouns / Negatives and Questions
- 217. Possessive Pronouns
- 218. Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns
- 219. Demonstrative Pronouns
- 220. Each other, one another
- 221. No, none, none of
- 222. Whole / All with a Noun
- 223. There is / There are
- 224. Repeating Numerals
- 225. Numbers (Maths)
- 226. Preposition of movement
- 227. Verb with Preposition
- 228. Adjective with Preposition
- 229. To + Infinitive
- 230. Using Infinitive without “to” (Zero Infinitive)
- 231. Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs
- 232. Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs
- 233. Auxiliary Verbs
- 234. Imperative clauses
- 235. Orders / Warnings / Advices / Requests
- 236. Verb + that / “zero – that”
- 237. Verb + ”Wh-“ Clauses
- 238. Subordinating Conjunctions: “after”, “although”, “as”
- 239. Subordinating Conjunctions: “until”, “when”, “while “, “whereas”
- 240. Ought to / Should / Had better
- 241. May / Might
- 242. Dare / Need
- 243. Shall / Should
- 244. Can / Can’t / Could / Couldn’t
- 245. Word Formation – Noun
- 246. Word Formation – Adjectives
- 247. Word Formation – Verbs
- 248. Mixed Word Formation
- 249. Word Formation – Various endings
- 250. Word Formation – Opposites
- 251. Is there / Are there?
- 252. Subordinating Conjunctions: „while”, „once”
- 253. Quantifiers: “every”, “everybody”, “anybody”, “anything”
- 254. Quantifiers: “little”, “a little”, “few”, “a few”
- 255. Quantifiers: “a lot”, “a lot of”, “lots of”
- 256. Present Simple – Questions
- 257. Present Simple – General Questions
- 258. Present Simple – Negatives
- 259. Present Simple – Negatives
- 260. Present Simple – Revision
- 261. Present Simple – Revision
- 262. Present Continuous – Affirmatives
- 263. Present Continuous – Questions
- 264. Present Continuous – Negatives
- 265. Past Simple – Affirmatives
- 266. Past Simple – Questions
- 267. Past Simple – Negatives
- 268. Past Simple – Revision
- 269. Past Simple – Revision
- 270. Past Continuous – Affirmatives
- 271. Past Continuous – Questions and Negatives
- 272. Past Continuous – When and While
- 273. Present Perfect – Affirmative
- 274. Present Perfect – Negatives and Questions
- 275. Just / Already / Yet in Present Perfect Tense
- 276. For / Since in Present Perfect Tense
- 277. Present Perfect – Revision
- 278. Present Perfect Continuous – Affirmative
- 279. Present Perfect Continuous – Negatives and Questions
- 280. Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
- 281. Past Perfect Tense – Affirmative
- 282. Past Perfect Tense – Negative
- 283. Past Perfect Tense – Questions
- 284. Past Perfect – Revision
- 285. Past Perfect Continuous – Mixed 1
- 286. Past Perfect Continuous – Mixed 2
- 287. Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous
- 288. „Be going to” – Questions and Answers
- 289. “Going to” – Statements
- 290. “Going to” – Comprehension / Revision
- 291. Future Simple – Affirmative
- 292. Future Simple – Negatives
- 293. Future Simple – Questions and Answers
- 294. Future Simple – Comprehension / Revision
- 295. Future Continuous – common use
- 296. Future Continuous – common use
- 297. Future Perfect – Statements
- 298. Future Perfect – common use with context
- 299. Future Perfect – the sentence transformation
- 300. Future Perfect Continuous – common use
- 301. Present Tenses
- 302. Past Tenses
- 303. Future Tenses
- 304. All Verb Tenses Review 1
- 305. All Verb Tenses Review 2
- 306. Reported speech – Adverbs and Demonstratives
- 307. Reported Speech – general truth or permanent states
- 308. Reporting Verbs
- 309. Reporting Verbs + Infinitive
- 310. Model Verbs in Reported Speech
- 311. Reported Speech – Word transformation 1
- 312. Reported Speech – Word transformation 2
- 313. Reported – If – questions
- 314. Present Simple Tense – Affirmative
- 315. Present Simple Tense – Negative
- 316. Present Continuous – Affirmative and Negative
- 317. Past Simple Tense – Affirmative
- 318. Past Simple Tense – Negative
- 319. Past Simple Continuous – Affirmative and Negative
- 320. Present Perfect – Mixed Sentences
- 321. Future Tenses – Mixed Sentences
- 322. It + Passive
- 323. Mixed Tenses Passive Voice
- 324. Verb Forms – Passive Voice
- 325. Always true sentences – Zero Conditional
- 326. Modals in the result (Zero Conditional) clause
- 327. Conditions and results – Zero Conditional sentences
- 328. First Conditional – “IF” something is possible
- 329. First Conditional – If + will
- 330. First Conditional – If + Imperative
- 331. Second Conditional – an imaginary situation
- 332. Second Conditional – an event and its result
- 333. Second Conditional in sentences
- 334. Third Conditional – action and consequence
- 335. Third Conditional – speculations
- 336. No, none, none of
- 337. Noun + other parts of speech
- 338. Indefinite articles
- 339. Indefinite and definite articles
- 340. Adjectives with “so” and “such”
- 341. Ordinal Numbers
- 342. Preposition of time
- 343. Verb with Preposition
- 344. Adjective with Preposition
- 345. Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs
- 346. Imperative clauses
- 347. Word Formation
- 348. Present Simple – General Questions
- 349. Past Simple – Affirmatives
- 350. Past Simple – Questions
- 351. Past Simple – Negatives
- 352. Past Simple – Revision
- 353. Present Perfect – Affirmative
- 354. Present Perfect – Negatives and Questions
- 355. For / Since in Present Perfect Tense
- 356. Future – “will” and “going to”
- 357. Mixed Grammar
- 358. Reported speech – Adverbs and Demonstratives
- 359. Reporting Verbs
- 360. Reported – If – questions
- 361. Reported Speech – Mixed
- 362. Reported Speech – Revision
- 363. Present Simple Tense – Affirmative
- 364. Present Simple Tense – Interrogative
- 365. Present Simple Tense – Negative
- 366. Passive Voice – Mixed
- 367. Passive Voice – Mixed
- 368. Automatic result in Zero Conditional
- 369. First Conditional – Revision
- 370. Second Conditional – an imaginary situation
- 371. Third Conditional – action and consequence
- 372. Conditionals – mixed sentences
- 373. Adjectives with “too” and “enough”
- 374. Adjectives with “too” and “enough”
- 375. Adverbs of Place: some-, any-, no-, every-
- 376. Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns
- 377. Quantifiers: “little”, “a little”, “few”, “a few”
- 378. WH-questions
- 379. Question Tags
- 380. Mixed Word Formation
- 381. Prefixes
- 382. Suffixes
- 383. Present Simple and Present Continuous – Check yourself
- 384. Past Continuous – When and While
- 385. Past Simple and Past Continuous – Revision
- 386. Past Perfect and Past Simple
- 387. Past Perfect Continuous – Mixed
- 388. “Going to” – Comprehension / Revision
- 389. Future Simple – Affirmative
- 390. Future Continuous – common use
- 391. Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous – Revision
- 392. Past Tenses
- 393. Phrasal verbs
- 393. Reported Speech – Adverbs and Demonstratives
- 394. Phrasal verbs
- 394. Reporting Verbs + Infinitive
- 395. Model Verbs in Reported Speech
- 395. Phrasal verbs
- 396. Phrasal verbs
- 396. Reported – If – questions
- 397. Phrasal verbs
- 397. Reported Speech – Mixed
- 398. Phrasal verbs
- 398. Present Simple Tense – Affirmative
- 399. Phrasal verbs
- 399. Present Simple Tense – Interrogative
- 400. Phrasal verbs
- 400. Present Perfect – Mixed Sentences
- 401. It + Passive
- 401. Phrasal verbs
- 402. Phrasal verbs
- 402. Verb Forms – Passive Voice
- 403. Automatic result in Zero Conditional
- 403. Phrasal verbs
- 404. First Conditional – If + will
- 404. Phrasal verbs
- 405. Phrasal verbs
- 405. Second Conditional – an imaginary situation
- 406. Phrasal verbs
- 406. Third Conditional – speculations
- 407. First and Second Conditional – Revision
- 407. Phrasal verbs
- 408. Phrasal verbs
- 408. Saxon Genitive
- 409. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
- 409. Phrasal verbs
- 410. Gerund as Noun
- 410. Phrasal verbs
- 411. Noun + other parts of speech
- 411. Phrasal verbs
- 412. Adjectives vs. Adverbs
- 412. Phrasal verbs
- 413. Idioms
- 413. Quantifiers: “little”, “a little”, “few”, “a few”
- 414. As and Like
- 414. Idioms
- 415. Creating simple sentences
- 415. Idioms
- 416. Idioms
- 416. Wishes, unreal past
- 417. Idioms
- 417. Word Formation
- 418. Idioms
- 418. Present Simple and Present Continuous – Check yourself
- 419. Idioms
- 419. Past Simple – Revision
- 420. Idioms
- 420. Past Continuous – When and While
- 421. For / Since in Present Perfect Tense
- 421. Idioms
- 422. Idioms
- 422. Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
- 423. Past Perfect and Past Simple
- 424. “Going to” – Statements
- 425. Future – “will” and “going to”
- 426. Future Perfect – Statements
- 427. Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous – Revision
- Czasy gramatyczne (Tenses)
- Czas Future Continuous – czas przyszły niedokonany
- Czas Future Perfect Continuous – czas przyszły ciągły niedokonany
- Czas Future Perfect – czas przyszły dokonany
- Czas Future Simple – czas przyszły prosty
- Czas Past Continuous – czas przeszły niedokonany
- Czas Past Perfect Continuous – czas zaprzeszły niedokonany
- Czas Past Perfect – czas zaprzeszły dokonany
- Czas Past Simple – czas przeszły dokonany
- Czas Present Continuous – czas teraźniejszy ciągły
- Czas Present Perfect Continuous – czas teraźniejszy ciągły niedokonany
- Czas Present Perfect – czas teraźniejszy dokonany
- Czas Present Simple – czas teraźniejszy prosty
- Czasownik to be w Past Simple
- Czasownik to be w Present Simple
- Konstrukcja be going to
- Części mowy (Part of speech)
- Czasownik (Verb)
- Czasownik (Verb) – bezokolicznik bez to
- Czasownik (Verb) – bezokolicznik czy forma gerund
- Czasownik (Verb) – forma gerund
- Czasownik (Verb) – bezokolicznik z to
- Czasowniki modalne (Modal Verbs) – forma
- Czasowniki modalne (Modal Verbs) – zastosowanie
- Czasowniki modalne – dare, used to
- Czasowniki posiłkowe (Auxiliary Verbs)
- Czasowniki regularne i nieregularne
- Czasowniki wyrażające czynności i stany (Action and state verbs)
- Czasowniki zwykłe i specjalne
- Tryb rozkazujący (Imperative)
- Liczebnik (Numeral)
- Przedimek (Article)
- Przyimek (Preposition)
- Przymiotnik (Adjective)
- Przymiotnik (Adjective) – wstęp
- Przymiotnik (Adjective) – kolejność przymiotników
- Przymiotnik (Adjective) – stopniowanie przymiotników
- Przymiotnik (Adjective) – zdania porównawcze
- Przymiotnik z how, what
- Przymiotnik z przedimkiem the
- Przymiotnik z so, such
- Przymiotniki dzierżawcze (Possessive Adjectives)
- Przymiotniki zakończone na -ed, -ing
- Przysłówek (Adverb)
- Rzeczownik (Noun)
- Forma dzierżawcza (Saxon Genitive)
- Określniki ilości (Quantifiers) – every, everybody, everything, everywhere
- Określniki ilości (Quantifiers) – pozostałe
- Określniki ilości (Quantifiers) – some, any, no
- Rzeczownik (Noun) – wstęp
- Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne (Countable and Uncountable Nouns)
- Rzeczowniki złożone (Compound nouns)
- Tworzenie rzeczowników (Noun formation)
- Zaimek (Pronoun)
- Zaimek (Pronoun) – wstęp
- Zaimek nieokreślony – most, all, whole
- Zaimki bezosobowe (Impersonal Pronouns)
- Zaimki i przymiotniki dzierżawcze (Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives)
- Zaimki nieokreślone – another, other, the other, others, the others
- Zaimki nieokreślone – both
- Zaimki nieokreślone – either, neither, either of, neither of
- Zaimki nieokreślone – every, each
- Zaimki nieokreślone – none
- Zaimki nieokreślone – some, any, no
- Zaimki osobowe (Personal Pronouns)
- Zaimki wskazujące (Demonstratives)
- Zaimki wzajemne – each other, one another
- Zaimki zwrotne i emfatyczne (Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns)
- Zdania z konstrukcją There is / are
- Zwroty z both…and, either…or, neither…nor
- Czasownik (Verb)
- Formy pytające (Questions)
- Mowa zależna (Reported speech)
- Strona bierna (Passive voice)
- Zdania warunkowe (Conditionals)
- Czasy gramatyczne (Tenses)
- 1001. Word patterns
- 1002. Word patterns
- 1003. Family and Professions
- 1004. Places
- 1005. Word patterns
- 1006. Word patterns
- 1007. Word patterns
- 1008. Word patterns
- 1009. Everyday life
- 1010. Personal Statements
- 1011. Sport and Leisure
- 1012. Free time
- 1013. Word patterns
- 1014. Word patterns
- 1015. Word patterns
- 1016. Word patterns
- 1017. Word patterns
- 1018. Word patterns
- 1019. Groceries
- 1020. Dairy products
- 1021. Word patterns
- 1022. Word patterns
- 1023. Word patterns
- 1024. Word patterns
- 1025. Word patterns
- 1026. Word patterns
- 1027. Word patterns
- 1028. Word patterns
- 1029. Home
- 1030. Travelling
- 1031. Animals
- 1032. Body parts
- 1033. Clothes
- 1034. The weather
- 1035. School
- 1036. Furniture
- 1037. Sport
- 1038. Professions
- 1039. Countries and Nationalities
- 1040. Months and Seasons
- 1041. Health and Illness
- 1042. Professional career
- 1043. Nature
- 1044. Ecology and Environment
- 1045. Village
- 1046. Emergency
- 1047. Appearance
- 1048. Character
- 1049. Addiction
- 1050. Marriage
- 1051. Law
- 1052. Street
- 1053. Hotel
- 1054. Town
- 1055. Toys
- 1056. Architecture
- 1057. Music
- 1058. Gardening
- 1059. Books
- 1060. Film and Cinema
- Biznes (Business)
- Człowiek (Man)
- Bielizna osobista (Underwear)
- Budowa oka (Body – eye)
- Charakter i osobowość (Character and personality)
- Czaszka (Body – skull)
- Części ciała (Body parts)
- Części odzieży (Clothing parts)
- Dane osobowe (Personal datails)
- Fryzura i makijaż (Hairstyle and make-up)
- Głowa (Body – head)
- Nakrycia głowy (Headgears)
- Narządy wewnętrzne (Body – internal organs)
- Obuwie (Footwear)
- Oczy i rzęsy (Appearance – eyes and eyelashes)
- Skóra (Appearance – skin)
- Stan cywilny (Marital status)
- Sylwetka (Appearance – figure)
- Szkielet (Body – skeleton)
- Tkaniny (Fabrics)
- Twarz i cera (Appearance – face and complexion)
- Ubrania (Clothes)
- Uczucia i emocje (Feelings and emotions)
- Usta i broda (Appearance – lips and beard)
- Wiek (Age)
- Wygląd zewnętrzny (Appearance)
- Wzory ubrań (Clothes – patterns)
- Włosy (Appearance – hair)
- Zęby (Body – teeth)
- Zmysły (Senses)
- Znaki szczególne (Appearance – special features)
- Dom i ogród (House and garden)
- Części domu (Parts of house)
- Czynności w kuchni (Activities in the kitchen)
- Dom – podstawy (Home – basic words)
- Garaż (Garage)
- Kuchnia (Kitchen)
- Majsterkowanie (DIY)
- Narzędzia (Tools)
- Ogród (Garden)
- Pokój dzienny (Living room)
- Przybory kuchenne (Kitchen utensils)
- Rodzaje domów i mieszkań (Types of houses and flats)
- Rozmowa przez telefon (On the phone)
- Stan i wygląd zewnętrzny (House – condition and exterior)
- Sypialnia (Bedroom)
- Wejście i przedpokój (Doorway and hall)
- Wyposażenie domu (Household appliances)
- Łazienka (Bathroom)
- Kraje i narodowości (Countries and nationalities)
- Kultura (Culture)
- Miasto & Wieś (City & Village)
- Nauka i technika (Science and technology)
- Komputer (Computer)
- Laboratorium (Laboratory)
- Matematyka (Mathematics)
- Metale (Metals)
- Mikroskop (Microscope)
- Naukowcy i dziedziny nauki (Scientists and science)
- Odkrycia (Discoveries)
- Substancje i materiały (Substances and materials)
- Substancje i materiały – przymiotniki (Substances and materials – adjectives)
- Tworzywa naturalne (Natural materials)
- Tworzywa sztuczne (Plastics)
- Wszechświat (The Universe)
- Wynalazki (Inventions)
- Państwo i społeczeństwo (State and society)
- Organizacje (Organizations)
- Państwo i społeczeństwo (State and society)
- Polityka (Politics)
- Problemy społeczne (Social problems)
- Przestępcy (Criminals)
- Przestępstwo i kara (Crime and punishment)
- Religia i wierzenia (Religion and beliefs)
- Rodzaje przestępstw (Kinds of crime)
- Unia Europejska (European Union)
- Ustroje polityczne (Political systems)
- Wyznania religijne (Religious denominations)
- Podróże i turystyka (Travelling and tourism)
- Dworzec autobusowy (Bus station)
- Dworzec kolejowy (Railway station)
- Hotel (Hotel)
- Kemping (Campsite)
- Ludzie w podróży (People in travel)
- Nad morzem (At the seaside)
- Niezbędne w podróży (Necessary in travel)
- Podróżowanie (Travelling)
- Podróżowanie autobusem (Travelling by bus)
- Podróżowanie pociągiem (Travelling by train)
- Podróżowanie samolotem (Travelling by plane)
- Podróżowanie statkiem (Travelling by boat)
- Port lotniczy (Airport)
- Środki transportu (Means of transport)
- Turystyka (Tourism)
- W górach (In the mountains)
- Wyjazd za granicę (Travel abroad)
- Zakwaterowanie (Accommodation)
- Podstawy (Beginner)
- Pozostałe (Others)
- Praca (Work)
- Przyroda (Nature)
- Rośliny (Plants)
- Rozrywka (Entertainment)
- Sport (Sport)
- Szkoła (School)
- Cechy nauczycieli (Characteristic of teachers)
- Cechy uczniów (Characteristic of students)
- Egzaminy (Exams)
- Geometria (Geometry)
- Laboratorium (Laboratory)
- Ludzie w szkole (People in a school)
- Matematyka (Mathematics)
- Miejsca w szkole (Places in a school)
- Mikroskop (Microscope)
- Przedmioty szkolne (School subjects)
- Przybory szkolne (School accessories)
- Sala lekcyjna (Classroom)
- Skala ocen (Grade)
- Stopnie naukowe (Degrees)
- Typy szkół (Types of school)
- Życie szkolne (School life)
- Transport (Transport)
- Aircrafts (Samoloty)
- Infrastruktura drogowa (Road infrastructure)
- Na granicy (At the border)
- Pojazdy drogowe (Road vehicles)
- Rower (Bike, Bicycle)
- Samochód (Car)
- Środki transportu (Means of transport)
- Statki i łodzie (Boats)
- Transport szynowy (Rail transport)
- Znaki bezpieczeństwa (Safety symbols)
- Znaki drogowe (Road signs)
- Znaki informacyjne (Common symbols)
- Zakupy i usługi (Shopping and services)
- Zdrowie (Health)
- Zwierzęta (Animals)
- Części ciała zwierząt (Animals – body parts)
- Gady (Reptiles)
- Grupy zwierząt (Animal groups)
- Nazwy zwierząt z podziałem na płeć (Animal gender)
- Odgłosy zwierząt (Animal sounds)
- Owady i Robaki (Insects and Worms)
- Pozostałe (Others)
- Ptaki (Birds)
- Płazy (Amphibians)
- Rasy kotów (Cat breeds)
- Rasy psów (Dog breeds)
- Ryby (Fish)
- Siedliska życia zwierząt (Animals habitat)
- Ssaki (Mammals)
- Zwierzęta domowe (Pets)
- Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie (Family and social life)
- Żywność (Food)
- Czynności w kuchni (Activities in the kitchen)
- Dania i posiłki (Meals and dishes)
- Jedzenie na mieście (Eating out)
- Mięso (Meat)
- Napoje (Drinks)
- Napoje alkoholowe (Alcoholic drinks)
- Owoce (Fruit)
- Pieczywo (Bread)
- Pozostałe produkty (Other products)
- Produkty mleczne (Dairy products)
- Przybory kuchenne (Kitchen utensils)
- Przymiotniki opisujące żywność (Adjectives describing food)
- Przyprawy (Spices)
- Ryby i owoce morza (Fish and seafood)
- Smaki (Flavours, Flavors)
- Słodycze (Sweets)
- Warzywa (Vegetables)
- Opis obrazka (Picture description)
- Picture description #1
- Picture description #10
- Picture description #11
- Picture description #12
- Picture description #13
- Picture description #14
- Picture description #15
- Picture description #16
- Picture description #17
- Picture description #18
- Picture description #19
- Picture description #2
- Picture description #20
- Picture description #21
- Picture description #22
- Picture description #23
- Picture description #24
- Picture description #25
- Picture description #26
- Picture description #27
- Picture description #28
- Picture description #29
- Picture description #3
- Picture description #30
- Picture description #31
- Picture description #32
- Picture description #33
- Picture description #34
- Picture description #35
- Picture description #36
- Picture description #37
- Picture description #38
- Picture description #4
- Picture description #5
- Picture description #6
- Picture description #7
- Picture description #8
- Picture description #9
- Opisy (Descriptions)
- Opis przedmiotu (Object description) – Example 1
- Opis przedmiotu (Object description) – Example 2
- Opis przedmiotu (Object description) – Example 3
- Opis przedmiotu (Object description) – Example 4
- Opis przedmiotu (Object description) – Example 5
- Opis siebie (Self-description) – Example 1
- Opis siebie (Self-description) – Example 2
- Opis siebie (Self-description) – Example 3
- Opis siebie (Self-description) – Example 4
- Opis siebie (Self-description) – Example 5
- Opis siebie (Self-description) – Example 6
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 1
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 2
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 3
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 4
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 5
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 6
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 7
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 8
- Opisywanie innych ludzi (Describing other people) – Example 9
- Opisywanie miast, miasteczek i wsi (Describing cities and villages) – Example 1
- Opisywanie miast, miasteczek i wsi (Describing cities and villages) – Example 2
- Opisywanie miast, miasteczek i wsi (Describing cities and villages) – Example 3
- Opisywanie miast, miasteczek i wsi (Describing cities and villages) – Example 4
- Opisywanie swoich wakacji (Describing your holidays) – Example 1
- Opisywanie swoich wakacji (Describing your holidays) – Example 2
- Opisywanie swoich wakacji (Describing your holidays) – Example 3
- Opisywanie swoich wakacji (Describing your holidays) – Example 4
- Opisywanie swojego dnia (Describing your day) – Example 1
- Opisywanie swojego dnia (Describing your day) – Example 2
- Opisywanie swojego dnia (Describing your day) – Example 3
- Opisywanie swojego dnia (Describing your day) – Example 4
- Opisywanie swojego domu (Describing your house) – Example 1
- Opisywanie swojego domu (Describing your house) – Example 2
- Opisywanie swojego domu (Describing your house) – Example 3
- Opisywanie swojego domu (Describing your house) – Example 4
- Opisywanie swojego pokoju (Describing your room) – Example 1
- Opisywanie swojego pokoju (Describing your room) – Example 2
- Opisywanie swojego pokoju (Describing your room) – Example 3
- Opisywanie swojego pokoju (Describing your room) – Example 4
- Opisywanie swojego zwierzątka (Describing your pet) – Example 1
- Opisywanie swojego zwierzątka (Describing your pet) – Example 2
- Opisywanie swojego zwierzątka (Describing your pet) – Example 3
- Opisywanie swojego zwierzątka (Describing your pet) – Example 4
- Opisywanie zabytku (Describing a monument) – Example 1
- Opisywanie zabytku (Describing a monument) – Example 2
- Opisywanie zabytku (Describing a monument) – Example 3
- Opisywanie zabytku (Describing a monument) – Example 4
- Przykładowe sytuacje (Situations)
- Ask an attractive girl out.
- Ask at the pet shop about a good flea repellent for a medium-sized dog.
- Ask for books in the library.
- Ask you teenage neighbour to walk your dog and feed it when you’re on holidays.
- Ask your hairdresser about the colours that suit you best?
- Ask your mother about the present for your father.
- Ask your professor for additional homework.
- Ask your professor to delay the date of the exam.
- Ask your roommate to buy a washing-up liquid, kitchen towels and a liquid soap.
- Ask your roommate to empty the dishwasher and hang the washing out.
- Book a flight ticket to London.
- Book tickets for a play in a theatre.
- Buy a monthly ticket for public buses.
- Buy tickets to the cinema.
- Call you friend and move your meeting to another day.
- Compliment on your friend’s new hairstyle.
- Convince your friends to go to the swimming pool with you at the weekend.
- Exchange zlotys to euro.
- Explain the way to the nearest police station.
- Help your friend to prepare for a holiday in Egypt.
- Inform your neighbour that he’s overflooding your bathroom and let him call for the plumber immediately.
- Introduce your new boyfriend to your roommate.
- Invite your friend for a dance in your school.
- Invite your uncle for your wedding.
- It’s freezing cold but your sister is leaving the house in a spring coat. Tell her to dress differently.
- It’s your first day at a language school in Britain. You’re there with your friend Kate. You want to introduce yourself and your friend to another student. What do you say?
- Make an appointment at a beauty salon.
- Make an appointment at the dentist’s.
- Make an appointment with a hairdresser.
- Offer to babysit your cousin’s child.
- Offer to wash your father’s car.
- Offer your friend to accompany you at your sister’s wedding reception.
- Open a bank account.
- Order a pizza for you and your friends.
- Organize private language lessons for your child.
- Recommend a new night club to a workmate.
- Return a train ticket.
- Shower in your hotel room is not working. Call the reception desk.
- Sign in for skiing classes.
- Somebody asks ‘Would you like another sandwich?’. You’re not hungry now because you’ve already had enough to eat. How do you respond?
- Someone took your reserved train seat. Inform this person about it.
- Tell a child how to behave at the table.
- The bus was crowded and you spilt your coffee on a man’s shirt. Apologize.
- The item you want to buy is much too expensive, but you really like it. What do you say to the seller?
- The remote control in your hotel room has just stopped working. Inform the receptionist about it.
- The shop assistant overcharged you for the items you bought. Tell her about it.
- You are an owner of a pretty dog, but it hasn’t been vaccinated against rabies yet. What do you say to a vet?
- You are at the perfume shop. Ask about a fragrance suitable for a young, self-confident man who values fragrance longevity and good quality.
- You are in a museum. Ask about a student discount.
- You are in an expensive restaurant. However, the man at the next table is smoking. Ask the waiter for intervention.
- You are in cinema but people in front of you are very loud. Ask them to be quiet.
- You are late for work. Apologize your boss.
- You arrive to Los Angeles and want to rent a car. What do you say?
- You booked a double room in a hotel. However, when you reached the hotel, they informed you, they never got your reservation. What do you say?
- You booked a hotel room in advance but it turned out that you won’t be able to stay there. Get in touch with the hotel reception and cancel your reservation. Give a reason.
- You bought a new fridge, but it stopped cooling. Inform the shop about it.
- You bought a sweater but it is too small. Exchange it.
- You bought an alarm clock. You set it for the morning but it didn’t go off. Go to the shop and make a complaint.
- You bought an MP3 player yesterday in a department store. When you press PLAY nothing happens. You go back to the shop, and the shop assistant asks ‘Can I help you?’. What do you say?
- You bought milk but at home you realized it was sour. Make a complain.
- You can hear your neighbours fighting. Call the police.
- You don’t know where the bus station is. Politely ask somebody in the street.
- You fail your driving exam. Ask the examiner what went wrong.
- You forgot to pay electricity bill and your electricity was cut off. Call the provider.
- You forgot to take the book back to the library on time. Explain yourself.
- You found a roommate but she has to wait two weeks before moving in. Explain the situation to her.
- You got lost in the mountains and don’t know how to come back. It’s getting dark. Ask a tourist or a villager about the way or accommodation.
- You got your biology test back but the points were not counted correctly. Tell the teacher.
- You have a cold. Ask the pharmacist for some medicine.
- You have an important event at work. Ask your friend what to wear.
- You have an interview but you are going to have your furniture delivered on the same day. Ask your friend to let the delivery men in.
- You have been staying at the hotel for three days and your room has not been cleaned once yet. Report it to the receptionist.
- You have problems with your car. Talk to the mechanic.
- You have problems with your eyes. Describe your problems to a doctor.
- You have to buy a shampoo but you have sensitive skin. Ask the shop assistant for help.
- You have to postpone your appointment with the dentist.
- You have to resign from the trip you booked three weeks ago. Ask if you can get some of your money back.
- You know your classmate was cheating during the exam. What will you tell him?
- You live in a block of flats. You want to organise a party, so inform your neighbours that it may be a little loud on Saturday because of that. However, it won’t be a long meeting.
- You lost your keys. Call the locksmith.
- You meet a foreigner who starts speaking French very quickly. Inform him that you do not understand anything and ask if he can speak English or German.
- You missed a lecture. Ask your friend for notes.
- You need some coins, but you have just a five pound banknote in your wallet. How to ask somebody for help?
- You need some money. Ask your parents for a small loan.
- You need to call your parents but your battery is dead. Ask a stranger for help.
- You need to change tyres in your car. What do you say?
- You need to find the nearest post office because you have a letter to send. Ask for directions.
- You ordered four books in the online bookshop. Unfortunately, you haven’t received them yet. Tell the seller about it and threaten to leave a negative feedback if he doesn’t send the books to you today.
- You paid for your groceries but you got too little change.
- You ran out of petrol in the middle of the road. Ask for help.
- You saw an accident. Call the hospital!
- You see a child shoplifting in a supermarket. What do you say?
- You see an old lady carrying a heave bag with shopping. Offer your help.
- You think the bus you’re on goes to the city centre. You want to check this. What do you say to another person on the bus?
- You think you deserve a raise. Tell your boss about it.
- You took your sister’s sweater without asking and it got dirty. Apologize.
- You want to apply for a job in a bank. How do you present yourself?
- You want to bake a cake. Ask your grandmother how to do it.
- You want to become a vegetarian. Ask doctor for opinion.
- You want to book a room in a hotel but you’re planning to come with your dog. Ask if such an option is possible.
- You want to buy a car but know nothing about it. Ask your friend for advice.
- You want to buy a pair of sunglasses. Ask the shop assistant for help.
- You want to buy an electric car. Ask the dealer about the offer.
- You want to get off the bus but someone is standing in front of you. What do you say to him / her?
- You want to hire a young babysitter. Ask her some questions to make sure she’s the right person.
- You want to open a term deposit. Ask the bank employee about the details of the offer.
- You want to order a birthday cake for your sister at the local pastry shop. How can you do that?
- You want to organize a party. Inform your neighbours about it.
- You want to rent a room for the school year. You’re talking to a landlady. Find out what she expects of you and what she offers.
- You want to rent your flat. Ask a lawyer for advice.
- You want to study medicine at Cambridge. Ask about the most important things on the phone.
- You were at the hairdresser’s but you’re not happy with the result. Make a complain.
- You were staying in an expensive hotel but you were not happy with the services it provided. Make a complain.
- You were travelling without a ticket. Talk to the ticket inspector.
- You would like to buy a pair of jeans but first you want to see yourself with the jeans on. What do you say to the shop assistant?
- You would like to have a tattoo on your left arm. Ask the tattoo artist about some details.
- Your bank card is not working. Call the bank and ask what the problem is.
- Your best friend has been dumped by her boyfriend. What do you say to comfort her?
- Your best friend has just won a car. Express your delight.
- Your best friend is getting ready for her prom. Tell her how she looks and tell her to have fun.
- Your best friend’s car has just broken down. How can you help her?
- Your best friend’s parents insist on her studying law. In fact, she’s not interested in it at all. Tell her what to do.
- Your boss wants you to work overtime but you have an appointment with a doctor. Refuse politely.
- Your classmate wants to quit school and find a job. Persuade him not to do that.
- Your colleague’s child is ill. Offer her that you can substitute for her at work.
- Your computer suddenly broke. Contact the specialist.
- Your dog behaves strangely. Ask your friend to recommend you a good vet.
- Your dress is too long. What do you say to a dressmaker?
- Your friend asked you for advice about washing sweaters. Help him.
- Your friend asked you to babysit his child. Refuse politely.
- Your friend bought you a sweater but you don’t like it. Say it in a delicate way.
- Your friend decided to study in another city, but now he seems terrified. Reassure him.
- Your friend doesn’t look too well. Suggest going to a doctor.
- Your friend drinks too much coffee. Advice him to stop.
- Your friend failed his driving exam. Cheer him up.
- Your friend gets more and more bad marks. Tell him what to do.
- Your friend has a job interview but is not dressed properly. Tell him delicately he should change.
- Your friend has asked you to help him / her repair his / her bike. Offer your help and arrange the time to do it.
- Your friend has just asked you out. Explain that you can’t go because you have to prepare for your exams.
- Your friend has no place to stay. Offer him help.
- Your friend is ill. What do you tell her?
- Your friend is late. Call him and explain you cannot wait.
- Your friend is moving to a new house. Offer your help.
- Your friend is taking his / her driving test today. What do you say to him / her?
- Your friend is thinking about a plastic surgery. Convince her is not a good idea.
- Your friend made a cake but you are allergic to nuts. What do you say?
- Your friend read your diary. You are very angry. What will you tell your friend?
- Your friend wants to lose some weight. Offer some advice.
- Your friend wants to open his own restaurant. Tell him that it’s a great idea and offer your help.
- Your friend wants to use your car. However, he is known to be a very bad driver. Refuse politely.
- Your friends have just got married. What do you wish them?
- Your friends owes you some money. Ask him to give it back to you.
- Your godchild has birthday. Ask the shop assistant about the most proper toy.
- Your grandmother broke her leg. Call the hospital.
- Your mum is a pensioner, but she has no idea what to do with her free time. Encourage her to take up some hobbies.
- Your neighbour is ill. Offer to buy her food and all the medicine she needs.
- Your neighbour parked his car in front of your garage. Call him and tell him about your problem.
- Your neighbour’s dad has just died. Express your condolences.
- Your new colleague is really rude to you. Tell him that you don’t accept such a behaviour.
- Your new employee always enters your office without knocking. Reprimand him.
- Your parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary. What do you say to them?
- Your roommate has left his / her things lying around in a mess. It irritates you. Try to persuade him / her to change his / her ways.
- Your younger brother wants to propose to a girl he’s just met. Tell him that it’s not a good decision.
- Your younger sister complains that she has no friends. Tell her what to do.
- Your’re at the DIY shop. Tell the shop assistant that you need a brown gloss paint for the kitchen.
- You’d like to buy a book for your niece’s / nephew’s 10th birthday. Talk about it with a shop assistant at a bookshop.
- You’re a tourist in London. You want to go to the Science Museum but you don’t know where it is. You stop someone in the street. You want to be very polite. What do you say?
- You’re allergic to nuts. Ask the waiter about the ingredients of the dish you want to order.
- You’re at a train station. Ask about the time of departure and arrival of the train to Nottingham.
- You’re at the café. Order a piece of cheesecake and a cup of white tea.
- You’re at the florist’s. Ask the shop assistant how to care for a ficus tree.
- You’re at the opticians. Ask about the frames which best suit your face.
- You’re at the party. Unfortunately, you got tired. Tell you friends that you‘re leaving.
- You’re at the photographer’s. Tell him what kind of photos you need.
- You’re calling one of the local massage studios. Ask about the price of the service.
- You’re going to the cinema with a friend but you haven’t decided where to meet. What do you say to your friend?
- You’re going to the cinema with another student. You want to decide where to meet. What do you say to him / her?
- You’re having a driving licence examination in two days. Ask your father to practice with you.
- You’re in a friend’s house. You’d like to smoke a cigarette, but you’re not sure if he / she accepts people smoking in his / her house. What do you say to him / her?
- You’re in a hotel. You need to get up at 7.15 tomorrow morning. What do you say to the receptionist?
- You’re in a hotel. You want to know the names of some good shops in the town. Politely ask the receptionist to recommend some places.
- You’re in a restaurant and you order a medium done steak. The waiter brings you one which is hardly cooked at all, and is cold. What do you say?
- You’re in a restaurant and you’ve asked for the bill. There are some things on it which you didn’t order. What do you say to the waiter?
- You’re in a shop, trying on a sweater. You really like the sweater but you don’t like the colour. What do you say to the shop assistant?
- You’re in a train and you want to open the window. There’s somebody sitting opposite you. What do you say to him / her?
- You’re looking for an elegant dress for a special occassion. Ask the shop assisant for advice.
- You’re looking for the British Museum but you’re lost. You stop somebody in the street. What do you ask him / her?
- You’re making a cake but you ran out of sugar. Ask your neighbour for help.
- You’re staying at a hotel and people in the room next door have been very noisy all night. How do you complain at the reception desk?
- You’re staying with a British family. A friend from your country is visiting you. You need permission to invite him / her to the house. What do you say?
- You’re suffering from stomach discomfort. Consult the doctor.
- You’re visiting a historic city abroad. You suddenly realize that you missed your last bus. Ask a passer-by for help.
- You’re visiting a town for the first time. Suddenly, a stranger stops you and asks for the way to a local sight you don’t know. Politely refuse your help and explain why you’re unable to offer it.
- You’re walking in the street and you realize your watch has just stopped. How do you ask a passer-by to give you the time?
- You’ve got a meeting with Mr Brown at 4 o’clock this afternoon, but you don’t feel well. Call Mr Brown and leave a message with the secretary.
- You’ve just baked a delicious cheesecake. Tell your parents to try it.
- You’ve just bought a necklace for your girlfriend. Ask the seller to wrap it as a gift.
- You’ve just broken your friend’s glasses. What do you say to him / her?
- You’ve just called a taxi. You want the driver to help you with your suitcases. What do you say to the taxi driver?
- You’ve just noticed a very beautiful dog. Express your admiration and ask its owner about the dog’s breed.
- Teksty użytkowe (Functional texts)
- A condolence letter
- A letter from my winter holidays
- A letter of apology
- A letter to a friend holidays/trip
- A note
- A scholarship application letter
- Advice
- An advertisement
- An announcement – a lost dog
- An Interview with someone famous
- Birthday invitation
- Booking cancellation
- Character reference
- Contract
- Dedications
- Describing objects – missing luggage
- E-mail to a friend
- Exemption letter
- Formal letter. Faulty product
- Formal letter. Letter of complaint
- Get-well letters
- Hotel reservation
- Loan rejection letter
- Love letter
- Love poem
- Negative feedback for a seller
- News report
- News report #2
- Notice of termination
- Online announcement
- Positive feedback for a seller
- Postcard from holidays
- Questionnaire
- Recipe – a sponge cake
- Sick note
- Temptation restaurant – Menu
- Wedding invitations – Zaproszenia na ślub
- Tematy do dyskusji (Discussion Topics)
- A letter of application
- Are you for or against gun legalization? Justify your opinion.
- Are you for or against same-sex marriages? Justify your opinion.
- Company introduction letter
- Describe the most fascinating place you have ever been to. Justify your choice.
- Describing of a sport event
- Did the Internet bring more good or evil? Justify your opinion.
- Do celebrities have a negative influence on teenagers and kids?
- Do you agree with the saying “Beauty is only skin deep”?
- Do you agree with the saying “time is money”? Why/Why not?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Do you believe in the death of a book?
- Do you believe small businesses will soon become “a thing of the past”? Why / Why not?
- Do you believe that hard work is the only way to success?
- Do you happen to dream of being able to travel back in time?
- Do you prefer shopping in large department stores and supermarkets or in small local shops? Why?
- Do you think racism is a thing of the past?
- Do you think stereotypes are true?
- Do you think students should take part-time jobs while studying? Why / Why not?
- Do you think tabloids are a reliable source of information?
- Do you think that advertisements have a negative influence on people’s lives? If so, what is it?
- Do you think that people would be happier if they didn’t have to work? Why / Why not?
- Does money equal happiness? Justify your opinion.
- Does the “generation gap” exist? In what ways do the generations differ and change?
- How can we cope with traffic problems in big cities?
- How can you make a good first impression?
- How can you protect yourself from having a heart attack in the future?
- How do media shape our views?
- How do pets affect our life?
- How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
- How does fashion industry influence young girls in a negative way?
- How important is education?
- How important is healthy lifestyle?
- How important is tradition?
- How long should a couple date before getting married?
- How to achieve your goals?
- How to behave on the first date?
- How would you describe a good neighbour?
- How would you solve the problem of aggressive football fans? Is it a problem in Poland?
- How would you try to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your language?
- If you could travel in time, where would you go? Justify your choice.
- In what ways are we looking after the world and in what ways are we destroying it?
- Is being a vlogger good job?
- Is it a good idea to share your life to social media?
- Is it possible to like your job?
- Is plastic surgery a good way of improving one’s appearance?
- Killing animals for meat is immoral. Do you agree or disagree?
- School days are the happiest days of your life. Do you agree with it?
- Should drugs be legalised?
- Should mobile phones be banned in schools?
- Should people be allowed to keep pets in big cities?
- Should religion be compulsory in schools?
- Should unhappy married couples stay together for the sake of the children?
- Television has too much influence on our lives. Do you agree or disagree?
- Travelling to foreign countries is more dangerous than it used to be. Do you agree or disagree?
- What are some of the nicest Polish traditions?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of being single?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of hitchhiking?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of multiculturalism?
- What are the benefits of owning a smartphone?
- What are the challenges of being a working mum?
- What are the dangers of excessive Internet use?
- What are the most important inventions of the 20th century?
- What are the most important things in life?
- What are the pros and cons of online dating?
- What are the qualities of a good leader?
- What are the qualities of a good teacher?
- What are the qualities of a perfect boss?
- What are the qualities of a perfect teacher?
- What are the things you are optimistic / pessimistic about? Justify your opinion.
- What are your favourite TV or radio programmes? Are there any programmes you can’t stand?
- What can you gain from travelling?
- What do you predict you will be doing in twenty years’ time?
- What do you think of homemade gifts?
- What does it mean to be successful? Does it involve professional success only or your private life as well?
- What does it mean to “think positive”?
- What has changed since you were born?
- What helps you relax after a long day of studying / working? How do you cope with stress?
- What is high and low culture?
- What is it like to be a teenager?
- What is your vision of the world in 2040?
- What kind of things are you interested in when looking for a job?
- What makes a childhood happy?
- What makes a good friend?
- What should companies do to build a good relationship with customers?
- What things make you afraid and why?
- What would you take with you to a desert island and why?
- What’s your favourite cuisine?
- When do people give presents in Poland?
- When do you get bored? How do you make your free time / your life interesting?
- Who is a celebrity?
- Who is a couch potato?
- Who is a fashion victim?
- Who is a workaholic?
- Why and how to be eco-friendly?
- Why are people superstitious?
- Why are reality shows so popular?
- Why are soap operas so popular?
- Why do people buy designer clothes?
- Why do people lie?
- Why do people nowadays get addicted to drugs and alcohol? How can we help them?
- Why have social networking sites become so popular?
- Why is English considered a global language?
- Why is global warming a serious threat?
- Why is work-life balance important?
- Would you choose a book or a movie? Why?
- Would you consider becoming a vegetarian? Why / Why not?
- Would you like to be a millionaire? Why/Why not?
- Would you like to be famous? Why/Why not?
- Would you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside? Why?
- Would you recommend Poland as a holiday destination?
- Young people should leave home at 16. Do you agree or disagree?
- “The world is becoming a global village”. Do you agree? Present your arguments.
- Wypracowania (Essays)
- A letter to Santa Claus
- A review
- A review #2
- A review #3
- A review #4
- Advantages and disadvantages of having many friends
- Advantages and disadvantages of starting a career as a teenager
- Advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism
- Advertisements and their impact on us
- Compare holidays in the mountains to holidays at the seaside
- Description of a favourite movie character
- How do I spend my free time
- How far do you agree or disagree with this statement? “Money is the most important thing in the modern world.”
- How has the Internet changed our lives?
- How I spend my weekends
- Is it worth it to speak foreign languages?
- Is today’s dependence on computers a good thing?
- My best friend
- My dream job
- My eating habits
- My family
- My favourite actor
- My favourite day of the week
- My favourite film
- My favourite season of the year
- My funniest adventure
- My hobby
- My last holidays
- My room
- Plans for holidays
- Pros and cons of being a public figure
- The best form of audiovisual translation is subtitling. Do you agree?
- The person I admire
- The pros and cons of teenage employment during school holidays
- Unforgettable holidays
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
- Who is a famous person that you would like to meet and why?
- Why do people practise extreme sports?
- Why do so many people decide not to have any children?
- Why is it worth it to eat healthy?
- Opis obrazka (Picture description)
- Phrasal verb – abide by
- Phrasal verb – absolve from
- Phrasal verb – abstain from
- Phrasal verb – account for
- Phrasal verb – accustom to
- Phrasal verb – ache for
- Phrasal verb – act out
- Phrasal verb – act up
- Phrasal verb – act upon
- Phrasal verb – add up
- Phrasal verb – add up to
- Phrasal verb – agree with
- Phrasal verb – aim at
- Phrasal verb – answer back to
- Phrasal verb – answer for
- Phrasal verb – ask around
- Phrasal verb – ask out
- Phrasal verb – assist at
- Phrasal verb – attribute to
- Phrasal verb – average out
- Phrasal verb – back off
- Phrasal verb – back up
- Phrasal verb – back up
- Phrasal verb – bail out
- Phrasal verb – base on
- Phrasal verb – be about to
- Phrasal verb – be after
- Phrasal verb – be cut out for
- Phrasal verb – be cut out to be
- Phrasal verb – be down
- Phrasal verb – be down with
- Phrasal verb – be dying for
- Phrasal verb – be fed up with
- Phrasal verb – be out of
- Phrasal verb – be snowed under with
- Phrasal verb – be taken aback
- Phrasal verb – be up for
- Phrasal verb – bear out
- Phrasal verb – bear with
- Phrasal verb – belong to
- Phrasal verb – blow out
- Phrasal verb – blow up
- Phrasal verb – break down
- Phrasal verb – break in
- Phrasal verb – break into
- Phrasal verb – break out
- Phrasal verb – break up with
- Phrasal verb – bring back
- Phrasal verb – bring forward
- Phrasal verb – bring in
- Phrasal verb – bring off
- Phrasal verb – bring on
- Phrasal verb – bring out
- Phrasal verb – bring round
- Phrasal verb – bring up
- Phrasal verb – brush up
- Phrasal verb – bump into
- Phrasal verb – burn up
- Phrasal verb – buy up
- Phrasal verb – buzz about
- Phrasal verb – buzz off
- Phrasal verb – call after
- Phrasal verb – call back
- Phrasal verb – call for
- Phrasal verb – call in
- Phrasal verb – call off
- Phrasal verb – call on
- Phrasal verb – calm down
- Phrasal verb – care for
- Phrasal verb – carry off
- Phrasal verb – carry on with
- Phrasal verb – carry out
- Phrasal verb – cast around for
- Phrasal verb – cast aside
- Phrasal verb – catch on
- Phrasal verb – catch up
- Phrasal verb – catch up with
- Phrasal verb – check in
- Phrasal verb – check out
- Phrasal verb – cheer up
- Phrasal verb – chew over
- Phrasal verb – clear away
- Phrasal verb – clear off
- Phrasal verb – clear up
- Phrasal verb – cling to
- Phrasal verb – close down
- Phrasal verb – close off
- Phrasal verb – comb through
- Phrasal verb – come about
- Phrasal verb – come across
- Phrasal verb – come along
- Phrasal verb – come apart
- Phrasal verb – come by
- Phrasal verb – come down upon
- Phrasal verb – come down with
- Phrasal verb – come in for
- Phrasal verb – come into
- Phrasal verb – come off
- Phrasal verb – come out
- Phrasal verb – come round
- Phrasal verb – come up against
- Phrasal verb – come up with
- Phrasal verb – could do with
- Phrasal verb – count against
- Phrasal verb – count down
- Phrasal verb – count in
- Phrasal verb – count on
- Phrasal verb – count out
- Phrasal verb – cover for
- Phrasal verb – cover up
- Phrasal verb – crop up
- Phrasal verb – cross off
- Phrasal verb – cross up
- Phrasal verb – cut down
- Phrasal verb – cut in
- Phrasal verb – cut off
- Phrasal verb – cut out
- Phrasal verb – cut through
- Phrasal verb – dawn on
- Phrasal verb – deal with
- Phrasal verb – decide on / upon
- Phrasal verb – die out
- Phrasal verb – do without
- Phrasal verb – draw back
- Phrasal verb – draw out
- Phrasal verb – draw up
- Phrasal verb – dress up
- Phrasal verb – drift apart
- Phrasal verb – drive at
- Phrasal verb – drop in
- Phrasal verb – drop off
- Phrasal verb – drop out
- Phrasal verb – dwell on / upon
- Phrasal verb – ease up
- Phrasal verb – eat in
- Phrasal verb – eat out
- Phrasal verb – end up
- Phrasal verb – end up with
- Phrasal verb – eye up
- Phrasal verb – face up to
- Phrasal verb – fade away
- Phrasal verb – fall apart
- Phrasal verb – fall back on
- Phrasal verb – fall behind with
- Phrasal verb – fall down
- Phrasal verb – fall for
- Phrasal verb – fall into
- Phrasal verb – fall off
- Phrasal verb – fall out with
- Phrasal verb – fall through
- Phrasal verb – feel up to
- Phrasal verb – fight back
- Phrasal verb – figure out
- Phrasal verb – fill in
- Phrasal verb – find out
- Phrasal verb – fit in
- Phrasal verb – fit in with
- Phrasal verb – fit up with
- Phrasal verb – fix up
- Phrasal verb – fly about
- Phrasal verb – focus on
- Phrasal verb – freak out
- Phrasal verb – get across
- Phrasal verb – get ahead
- Phrasal verb – get along with
- Phrasal verb – get at
- Phrasal verb – get away with
- Phrasal verb – get back at
- Phrasal verb – get behind with
- Phrasal verb – get by
- Phrasal verb – get down to
- Phrasal verb – get in with
- Phrasal verb – get into
- Phrasal verb – get on with
- Phrasal verb – get out
- Phrasal verb – get over
- Phrasal verb – get together
- Phrasal verb – get up
- Phrasal verb – give away
- Phrasal verb – give away to
- Phrasal verb – give back
- Phrasal verb – give in
- Phrasal verb – give in
- Phrasal verb – give off
- Phrasal verb – give over to
- Phrasal verb – give up
- Phrasal verb – give up
- Phrasal verb – go about
- Phrasal verb – go after
- Phrasal verb – go ahead
- Phrasal verb – go along with
- Phrasal verb – go away
- Phrasal verb – go back
- Phrasal verb – go before
- Phrasal verb – go by
- Phrasal verb – go down with
- Phrasal verb – go for
- Phrasal verb – go in for
- Phrasal verb – go into
- Phrasal verb – go off
- Phrasal verb – go on with
- Phrasal verb – go out
- Phrasal verb – go out with
- Phrasal verb – go over
- Phrasal verb – go round with
- Phrasal verb – go through with
- Phrasal verb – go under
- Phrasal verb – go with
- Phrasal verb – go without
- Phrasal verb – grow apart
- Phrasal verb – grow back
- Phrasal verb – grow out of
- Phrasal verb – grow up
- Phrasal verb – hand in
- Phrasal verb – hand on
- Phrasal verb – hang about
- Phrasal verb – hang on
- Phrasal verb – hang out
- Phrasal verb – hang over
- Phrasal verb – hang up
- Phrasal verb – hang with
- Phrasal verb – head for
- Phrasal verb – hear from
- Phrasal verb – heat up
- Phrasal verb – help to
- Phrasal verb – hit back
- Phrasal verb – hold against
- Phrasal verb – hold back
- Phrasal verb – hold down
- Phrasal verb – hold forth
- Phrasal verb – hold off
- Phrasal verb – hold on
- Phrasal verb – hold out
- Phrasal verb – hold out for
- Phrasal verb – hold up
- Phrasal verb – hold with
- Phrasal verb – hush up
- Phrasal verb – keep away
- Phrasal verb – keep down
- Phrasal verb – keep from
- Phrasal verb – keep off
- Phrasal verb – keep on
- Phrasal verb – keep up with
- Phrasal verb – lay down
- Phrasal verb – lay off
- Phrasal verb – lay out
- Phrasal verb – lead up to
- Phrasal verb – let down
- Phrasal verb – let in
- Phrasal verb – let off
- Phrasal verb – let out
- Phrasal verb – look after
- Phrasal verb – look ahead
- Phrasal verb – look back on
- Phrasal verb – look down on
- Phrasal verb – look for
- Phrasal verb – look forward to
- Phrasal verb – look into
- Phrasal verb – look on
- Phrasal verb – look out for
- Phrasal verb – look over
- Phrasal verb – look up
- Phrasal verb – look up
- Phrasal verb – look up to
- Phrasal verb – make away with
- Phrasal verb – make do with
- Phrasal verb – make for
- Phrasal verb – make into
- Phrasal verb – make off with
- Phrasal verb – make out
- Phrasal verb – make over
- Phrasal verb – make up
- Phrasal verb – make up for
- Phrasal verb – mark down
- Phrasal verb – mark off
- Phrasal verb – melt down
- Phrasal verb – mess around
- Phrasal verb – mess up
- Phrasal verb – mix up
- Phrasal verb – move ahead
- Phrasal verb – move along
- Phrasal verb – move away
- Phrasal verb – move away from
- Phrasal verb – move in
- Phrasal verb – move on
- Phrasal verb – move up
- Phrasal verb – mull over
- Phrasal verb – name after
- Phrasal verb – narrow down
- Phrasal verb – nose around
- Phrasal verb – nose out
- Phrasal verb – note down
- Phrasal verb – open into/onto
- Phrasal verb – open up
- Phrasal verb – opt for
- Phrasal verb – opt out of
- Phrasal verb – owe to
- Phrasal verb – own up to
- Phrasal verb – pack out
- Phrasal verb – pair off
- Phrasal verb – part with
- Phrasal verb – pass around
- Phrasal verb – pass away
- Phrasal verb – pass by
- Phrasal verb – pass by
- Phrasal verb – pass for
- Phrasal verb – pass on
- Phrasal verb – pass out
- Phrasal verb – pay back
- Phrasal verb – pay for
- Phrasal verb – pay off
- Phrasal verb – pay off
- Phrasal verb – pick on
- Phrasal verb – pick out
- Phrasal verb – pick through
- Phrasal verb – pick up
- Phrasal verb – pick up
- Phrasal verb – pick up on
- Phrasal verb – pile up
- Phrasal verb – pin up
- Phrasal verb – play down
- Phrasal verb – plug in
- Phrasal verb – point out
- Phrasal verb – pop in
- Phrasal verb – pop out
- Phrasal verb – pour down
- Phrasal verb – pour out
- Phrasal verb – press for
- Phrasal verb – press on
- Phrasal verb – pull apart
- Phrasal verb – pull down
- Phrasal verb – pull off
- Phrasal verb – pull out
- Phrasal verb – pull through
- Phrasal verb – pull together
- Phrasal verb – pull up
- Phrasal verb – push ahead
- Phrasal verb – push around
- Phrasal verb – push for
- Phrasal verb – push in
- Phrasal verb – push up
- Phrasal verb – put across
- Phrasal verb – put aside
- Phrasal verb – put at
- Phrasal verb – put away
- Phrasal verb – put back
- Phrasal verb – put by
- Phrasal verb – put down
- Phrasal verb – put down to
- Phrasal verb – put forward
- Phrasal verb – put in
- Phrasal verb – put off
- Phrasal verb – put on
- Phrasal verb – put out
- Phrasal verb – put through
- Phrasal verb – put towards
- Phrasal verb – put up with
- Phrasal verb – reach out to
- Phrasal verb – reason out
- Phrasal verb – reason with
- Phrasal verb – rip off
- Phrasal verb – rub in
- Phrasal verb – rule out
- Phrasal verb – run across
- Phrasal verb – run away
- Phrasal verb – run into
- Phrasal verb – run off
- Phrasal verb – run out of
- Phrasal verb – run over
- Phrasal verb – run up
- Phrasal verb – run up against
- Phrasal verb – rush into
- Phrasal verb – scare away
- Phrasal verb – see off
- Phrasal verb – see through
- Phrasal verb – see to
- Phrasal verb – send back
- Phrasal verb – set about
- Phrasal verb – set back
- Phrasal verb – set out
- Phrasal verb – set to
- Phrasal verb – set up
- Phrasal verb – set up
- Phrasal verb – settle down
- Phrasal verb – shape up
- Phrasal verb – show around
- Phrasal verb – show off
- Phrasal verb – show up
- Phrasal verb – shut down
- Phrasal verb – shut up
- Phrasal verb – sign in
- Phrasal verb – sit down
- Phrasal verb – sleep over
- Phrasal verb – slip away
- Phrasal verb – slow down
- Phrasal verb – sober up
- Phrasal verb – sort out
- Phrasal verb – sort out
- Phrasal verb – spark off
- Phrasal verb – speak out
- Phrasal verb – stand against
- Phrasal verb – stand by
- Phrasal verb – stand for
- Phrasal verb – stand out
- Phrasal verb – start out as
- Phrasal verb – start up
- Phrasal verb – stay away from
- Phrasal verb – stay up
- Phrasal verb – stem from
- Phrasal verb – stick to
- Phrasal verb – switch off
- Phrasal verb – switch on
- Phrasal verb – take aback
- Phrasal verb – take after
- Phrasal verb – take against
- Phrasal verb – take in
- Phrasal verb – take off
- Phrasal verb – take off
- Phrasal verb – take on
- Phrasal verb – take out
- Phrasal verb – take over
- Phrasal verb – take up
- Phrasal verb – take up
- Phrasal verb – think back
- Phrasal verb – think over
- Phrasal verb – throw away
- Phrasal verb – try on
- Phrasal verb – try out
- Phrasal verb – turn down
- Phrasal verb – turn off
- Phrasal verb – turn out
- Phrasal verb – turn over
- Phrasal verb – turn up
- Phrasal verb – use up
- Phrasal verb – wake up
- Phrasal verb – walk away from
- Phrasal verb – warm up
- Phrasal verb – watch out
- Phrasal verb – wear off
- Phrasal verb – wear out
- Phrasal verb – work out
- Phrasal verb – work out
- Phrasal verb – wrap up
- Phrasal verb – dig out
- Phrasal verb – do away with
- Phrasal verb – do up
- Phrasal verb – enter for
- Phrasal verb – enter into
- Phrasal verb – enter upon
- Phrasal verb – jot down
- Phrasal verb – jump at
- Phrasal verb – keep around
- Phrasal verb – keep at
- Phrasal verb – keep in
- Phrasal verb – keep to
- Phrasal verb – keep up
- Phrasal verb – knock down
- Phrasal verb – knock off
- Phrasal verb – knock out
- Phrasal verb – nail down
- Czasowniki nieregularne (Irregular Verbs)
- Idiom – a shoulder to cry on
- Idiom – (come/fall) off the back of a lorry/truck
- Idiom – a (real) eye-opener
- Idiom – a can of worms
- Idiom – a cold fish
- Idiom – a dark horse
- Idiom – a dead end
- Idiom – a dead-end job
- Idiom – a far cry from
- Idiom – a laughing stock
- Idiom – a lone wolf
- Idiom – a long face
- Idiom – a misery guts
- Idiom – a party animal
- Idiom – a slip of the tongue
- Idiom – a stumbling block
- Idiom – at your fingertips
- Idiom – at/in the back of your mind
- Idiom – back to square one
- Idiom – be all ears
- Idiom – be at a crossroads
- Idiom – be at loggerheads
- Idiom – be at the end of one’s tether
- Idiom – be caught napping
- Idiom – be clutching at straws
- Idiom – be in the same boat
- Idiom – be made for
- Idiom – be on the breadline
- Idiom – be over the moon
- Idiom – be second to none
- Idiom – be sick and tired of
- Idiom – be walking on air
- Idiom – be your bread and butter
- Idiom – bear fruit
- Idiom – blow a fuse
- Idiom – blue blood
- Idiom – break someone’s heart
- Idiom – by hook or by crook
- Idiom – call a spade a spade
- Idiom – call it a day
- Idiom – catch someone red-handed
- Idiom – catch someone’s eye
- Idiom – come to terms with
- Idiom – come up against a brick wall
- Idiom – commit something to memory
- Idiom – cross someone’s mind
- Idiom – do the trick
- Idiom – down-to-earth
- Idiom – draw the line
- Idiom – drive someone up the wall
- Idiom – face the music
- Idiom – face to face
- Idiom – feel off-colour
- Idiom – for the best
- Idiom – get off to a flying start
- Idiom – get on like a house on fire
- Idiom – get out of bed on the wrong side
- Idiom – get something off your chest
- Idiom – get the wrong end of the stick
- Idiom – get your own way
- Idiom – get/go beyond a joke
- Idiom – get/have cold feet
- Idiom – get/have itchy feet
- Idiom – give someone a free hand
- Idiom – give someone the benefit of the doubt
- Idiom – give/lend someone a hand
- Idiom – go in one ear and out the other
- Idiom – have a change of heart
- Idiom – have a lot to answer for
- Idiom – have a narrow escape
- Idiom – have a soft spot for
- Idiom – have a sweet tooth
- Idiom – have mixed feelings about
- Idiom – have second thoughts about
- Idiom – have/keep an open mind
- Idiom – hit the ceiling/roof
- Idiom – hit the road
- Idiom – in a nutshell
- Idiom – in all shapes and sizes
- Idiom – in deep water
- Idiom – in no time at all
- Idiom – in someone’s shoes
- Idiom – in the blink of an eye
- Idiom – in the long run
- Idiom – in your mind’s eye
- Idiom – in/by leaps and bounds
- Idiom – it’s a long story
- Idiom – keep a straight face
- Idiom – keep an eye on
- Idiom – keep up appearances
- Idiom – keep your fingers crossed
- Idiom – keep/hold someone/something at bay
- Idiom – kick the bucket
- Idiom – know something by heart
- Idiom – learn your lesson
- Idiom – leave a lot to be desired
- Idiom – let the cat out of the bag
- Idiom – light at the end of the tunnel
- Idiom – like a red rag to a bull
- Idiom – like water off a duck’s back
- Idiom – live in the lap of luxury
- Idiom – long time no see
- Idiom – look right/straight through
- Idiom – make your mouth water
- Idiom – make yourself at home
- Idiom – new blood
- Idiom – not enough room to swing a cat
- Idiom – not touch someone/something with a barge pole
- Idiom – off the beaten track
- Idiom – off-the-cuff
- Idiom – on a knife-edge
- Idiom – on the top of the world
- Idiom – once in a blue moon
- Idiom – open your heart
- Idiom – out of the blue
- Idiom – pay through the nose
- Idiom – pick someone’s brains
- Idiom – play devil’s advocate
- Idiom – play it by ear
- Idiom – pull someone’s leg
- Idiom – pull your weight
- Idiom – put the cat among the pigeons
- Idiom – put/lay your cards on the table
- Idiom – rack your brains
- Idiom – read between the lines
- Idiom – red tape
- Idiom – ring a bell
- Idiom – rough and ready
- Idiom – salt of the earth
- Idiom – speak your mind
- Idiom – spend money like water
- Idiom – spread like wildfire
- Idiom – stab someone in the back
- Idiom – step out of line
- Idiom – sugar/sweeten the pill
- Idiom – take something for granted
- Idiom – take something to heart
- Idiom – take the law into your own hands
- Idiom – the acid test
- Idiom – the answer to someone’s prayers
- Idiom – the bottom line
- Idiom – the icing on the cake
- Idiom – the law of the jungle
- Idiom – the lesser of two evils
- Idiom – to cut a long story short
- Idiom – to/until/till the bitter end
- Idiom – toffee-nosed
- Idiom – whet someone’s appetite
- Idiom – word for word
- Idiom – work wonders
- English Proverbs – A
- English Proverbs – B
- English Proverbs – C
- English Proverbs – D
- English Proverbs – E
- English Proverbs – F
- English Proverbs – G
- English Proverbs – H
- English Proverbs – I
- English Proverbs – J
- English Proverbs – K
- English Proverbs – L
- English Proverbs – M
- English Proverbs – N
- English Proverbs – O
- English Proverbs – P
- English Proverbs – R
- English Proverbs – S
- English Proverbs – T
- English Proverbs – U
- English Proverbs – V
- English Proverbs – W
- English Proverbs – Y
- English Proverbs – Z
- Dodatek – Wymowa i literowanie w języku angielskim – cz.1
- Dodatek – Wymowa i literowanie w języku angielskim – cz.2
- Dodatek – Wymowa i literowanie w języku angielskim – cz.3
- Lekcja 1 – Alfabet. Słownictwo: podstawowe rzeczowniki.
- Lekcja 2 – Zaimki osobowe i odmiana czasownika “być”.
- Lekcja 3 – Zwroty grzecznościowe.
- Lekcja 4 – Przedstawianie się.
- Lekcja 5 – Wskazywanie przedmiotów oraz podstawowe rzeczowniki i kolory.
- Lekcja 6 – Liczebniki główne.
- Lekcja 7 – Przyimki miejsca.
- Lekcja 8 – Tworzenie liczby mnogiej oraz słownictwo z zakresu wyposażenia domu.
- Lekcja 9 – Konstrukcje “there is” i “there are”. Słownictwo – kuchnia.
- Lekcja 10 – Forma przecząca czasownika “być”. Słownictwo: państwa, narodowości.
- Lekcja 11 – Dni tygodnia i miesiące.
- Lekcja 12 – Godziny i lata.
- Lekcja 13 – Czas teraźniejszy prosty – Present Simple.
- Lekcja 14 – Codzienne czynności. Słownictwo – sypialnia, łazienka.
- Lekcja 15 – Dopełniacz saksoński, przymiotniki i zaimki dzierżawcze. Słownictwo: rodzina.
- Lekcja 16 – Czasownik “mieć”. Słownictwo: podstawowe rzeczowniki.
- Lekcja 17 – Czasownik modalny: can. Słownictwo związane z hobby i zainteresowaniami.
- Lekcja 18 – Słownictwo i zwroty związane z pracą.
- Lekcja 19 – Liczebniki porządkowe. Słownictwo: droga.
- Lekcja 20 – Określanie położenia miejsc i przedmiotów. Słownictwo: sklepy, budynki.
- Lekcja 21 – Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne. Słownictwo – zakupy.
- Lekcja 22 – Przedimki nieokreślone: “a”, “an” oraz przedimek określony “the”.
- Lekcja 23 – Forma grzecznościowa “would like” oraz słownictwo: jedzenie, napoje.
- Lekcja 24 – Przymiotniki i ich przeciwieństwa.
- Lekcja 25 – Przysłówki stopnia. Słownictwo – pokój dzienny.
- Lekcja 26 – Słownictwo: części ciała, choroby.
- Lekcja 27 – Czas teraźniejszy ciągły Present Continuous.
- Lekcja 28 – Słownictwo: wygląd.
- Lekcja 29 – Słownictwo: ubrania.
- Lekcja 30 – Czasownik w formie “gerund”.
- Lekcja 31 – Słownictwo: hotele.
- Lekcja 32 – Słownictwo: turystyka. Konstrukcja “would prefer”.
- Lekcja 33 – Słownictwo i wyrażenia związane ze szkołą i studiami.
- Lekcja 34 – Czasownik modalny “should”. Czasowniki związane z życiem codziennym.
- Lekcja 35 – Czas przyszły prosty – Future Simple.
- Lekcja 36 – Słownictwo związane z urodzinami. Konstrukcja “going to”.
- Lekcja 37 – Zastosowanie “will” i “going to”.
- Lekcja 38 – Spójniki: and, but, because, so, or.
- Lekcja 39 – Słownictwo: pogoda.
- Lekcja 40 – Słownictwo: zwierzęta.
- Lekcja 41 – Czas przeszły prosty – Past Simple.
- Lekcja 42 – Czasowniki nieregularne.
- Lekcja 43 – “Used to” and “would”. Słownictwo: życie rodzinne i towarzyskie.
- Lekcja 44 – Przysłówki “too” i “enough”. Słownictwo: cechy charakteru.
- Lekcja 45 – Stopniowanie przymiotników.
- Lekcja 46 – Porównywanie przymiotników.
- Lekcja 47 – Tworzenie przysłówków.
- Lekcja 48 – Tryb rozkazujący.
- Lekcja 49 – Słownictwo i zwroty: rozmowa telefoniczna.
- Lekcja 50 – Wyrażenia “so do I” i “neither do I”.
- Lekcja 51 – Czasowniki złożone.
- Lekcja 52 – Zaimki zwrotne.
- Lekcja 53 – Zaimki pytające.
- Lekcja 54 – Zaimki nieokreślone.
- Lekcja 55 – List nieformalny.
- Lekcja 56 – List formalny.
- Lekcja 57 – Słownictwo związane z filmem. Recenzja.
- Lekcja 58 – Wyrażanie opinii. Przymiotniki opisujące i wyrażające opinię.
- Lekcja 59 – Czas przeszły ciągły – Past Continuous.
- Lekcja 60 – Słownictwo: zdrowy styl życia.
- Lekcja 61 – Strona bierna w czasie Present i Past Simple. Słownictwo: film – cz. II.
- Lekcja 62 – Konstrukcje zdaniowe z “when” i “while”. Słownictwo: rozrywka i czas wolny.
- Lekcja 63 – Czas Present Perfect.
- Lekcja 64 – Czasowniki nieregularne – III forma.
- Lekcja 65 – Czas Past Perfect. Słownictwo: państwo i problemy społeczne.
- Lekcja 66 – Słownictwo: kultura i sztuka.
- Lekcja 67 – Okresy warunkowe (Conditionals): zerowy, pierwszy i drugi okres warunkowy.
- Lekcja 68 – Udzielanie wskazówek. Słownictwo: technologia.
- Lekcja 69 – Okoliczniki.
- Lekcja 70 – „Must” i „have to”. Słownictwo związane z pracami domowymi.
- Lekcja 71 – Czas Present Perfect Continuous. Słownictwo: sport i miejsca z nim związane.
- Lekcja 72 – Słownictwo – Prawo, zbrodnia i kara.
- Lekcja 73 – Słownictwo: ochrona środowiska.
- Lekcja 74 – Czasowniki modalne – cz.I.
- Lekcja 75 – Czasowniki modalne – cz.II.
- Lekcja 76 – Czasowniki modalne – cz.III.
- Lekcja 77 – Trzeci Okres Warunkowy. Słownictwo: środowisko i katastrofy naturalne.
- Lekcja 78 – Słownictwo: zakupy – cz.II.
- Lekcja 79 – Określniki ilościowe.
- Lekcja 80 – Konstrukcja “have something done”. Słownictwo: usługi.
- Lekcja 81 – Stopniowanie przysłówków. Słownictwo: podróże.
- Lekcja 82 – “Can”/”could” vs. “be able to”. Słownictwo: umiejętności.
- Lekcja 83 – Reported speech. Słownictwo: sytuacje i wydarzenia w życiu.
- Lekcja 84 – Mixed conditionals – mieszane okresy warunkowe. Słownictwo – szukanie pracy.
- Lekcja 85 – Present Continuous vs. “going to”. Słownictwo związane ze wszechświatem.
- Lekcja 86 – Future Continuous – czas przyszły ciągły. Słownictwo: zdrowie.
- Lekcja 87 – Future Perfect. Słownictwo: życie rodzinne i towarzyskie.
- Lekcja 88 – Popularne idiomy.
- Lekcja 89 – Krótka forma wypowiedzi: ogłoszenie.
- Lekcja 90 – Krótka forma wypowiedzi: pocztówka.
- Lekcja 91 – Krótka forma wypowiedzi: zaproszenie.
- Lekcja 92 – Indirect Questions – pytania pośrednie.
- Lekcja 93 – I wish/If only – wyrażanie żalu. Słownictwo: sukces i porażka.
- Lekcja 94 – Przymiotniki kończące się na -ing i -ed.
- Lekcja 95 – Słownictwo: wojna i pokój.
- Lekcja 96 – Inwersja.
- Lekcja 97 – Emphatic structures.
- Lekcja 98 – Question tags.
- Lekcja 99 – Relative clauses.
- Lekcja 100 – Przedrostki (ang. prefixes) – przymiotniki.
- Lekcja 101 – Przedrostki – czasowniki i rzeczowniki.
- Lekcja 102 – Przyrostki (ang. suffixes) – rzeczowniki.
- Lekcja 103 – Przyrostki – przymiotniki.
- Lekcja 104 – Compound adjectives – przymiotniki złożone.
- Lekcja 105 – Compound nouns – rzeczowniki złożone.
- Lekcja 106 – Order of adjectives – kolejność przymiotników w zdaniu. Kształty i kolory.
- Lekcja 107 – So, such, too, very, enough – intensifiers.
- Lekcja 108 – Future Perfect Continuous. Słownictwo: rany i skaleczenia.
- Lekcja 109 – Past Perfect Continuous.
- Lekcja 110 – Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne.
- Lekcja 111 – Subjunctive – tryb łączący.
- Lekcja 112 – Passive voice – strona bierna.
- Lekcja 113 – Czasownik + -ing.
- Lekcja 114 – Czasownik + bezokolicznik.
- Lekcja 115 – Czasownik + gerund (-ing) lub bezokolicznik z “to”.
- Lekcja 116 – Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne zakończone na -s i rzeczowniki zbiorowe.
- Lekcja 117 – Przymiotniki, po których występują przyimki.
- Lekcja 118 – Czasowniki, po których występują przyimki – cz.I.
- Lekcja 119 – Czasowniki, po których występują przyimki – cz.II.
- Lekcja 120 – Czasowniki, po których występują przyimki – cz.III.
- Lekcja 121 – British English – American English – różnice między odmianami języka angielskiego.
- KURS 1000 SŁÓW
- 1000: HESITATE
- 100: OVER
- 101: SAY
- 102: SOUND
- 103: TAKE
- 104: ONLY
- 105: LITTLE
- 106: WORK
- 107: KNOW
- 108: PLACE
- 109: YEAR
- 10: HE
- 110: LIVE
- 111: ME
- 112: BACK
- 113: GIVE
- 114: MOST
- 115: VERY
- 116: AFTER
- 117: THING
- 118: OUR
- 119: JUST
- 11: IT
- 120: NAME
- 121: GOOD
- 123: MAN
- 124: THINK
- 125: ADD
- 126: GREAT
- 127: WHERE
- 128: HELP
- 129: THROUGH
- 12: WAS
- 130: MUCH
- 131: BEFORE
- 132: LINE
- 133: RIGHT
- 134: TOO
- 135: MEAN
- 136: OLD
- 137: ANY
- 138: SAME
- 139: TELL
- 13: FOR
- 140: BOY
- 141: FOLLOW
- 142: CAME
- 143: WANT
- 144: SHOW
- 145: ALSO
- 146: AROUND
- 147: FORM
- 148: THREE
- 149: SMALL
- 14: ON
- 150: LARGE
- 151: SET
- 152: END
- 153: PUT
- 154: DOES
- 155: ANOTHER
- 156: WELL
- 157: MUST
- 158: BIG
- 159: EVEN
- 15: ARE
- 160: SUCH
- 161: BECAUSE
- 162: TURN
- 163: HERE
- 164: WHY
- 165: ASK
- 166: WENT
- 167: MEN
- 168: READ
- 169: NEED
- 16: AS
- 170: NEVER
- 172: HOME
- 173: US
- 174: MOVE
- 175: TRY
- 176: KIND
- 177: HAND
- 178: PICTURE
- 179: AGAIN
- 17: I
- 180: CHANGE
- 181: OFF
- 182: PLAY
- 183: SPELL
- 184: AIR
- 185: AWAY
- 186: ANIMAL
- 187: HOUSE
- 188: POINT
- 189: PAGE
- 18: WITH
- 190: LETTER
- 191: MOTHER
- 192: ANSWER
- 193: FOUND
- 194: STUDY
- 195: STILL
- 196: LEARN
- 197: SHOULD
- 198: AMERICA
- 199: WORLD
- 19: HIS
- 1: THE
- 200: FOOD
- 202: LAND
- 203: HIGH
- 204: NEAR
- 206: BETWEEN
- 207: OWN
- 208: BELOW
- 209: COUNTRY
- 20: THEY
- 210: PLANT
- 211: LAST
- 212: SCHOOL
- 213: FATHER
- 214: KEEP
- 215: TREE
- 216: START
- 217: CITY
- 218: EARTH
- 219: EYE
- 21: BEEN
- 220: LIGHT
- 221: THOUGHT
- 222: HEAD
- 223: UNDER
- 224: STORY
- 225: UNTIL
- 227: SIDE
- 228: FEW
- 229: WHILE
- 22: AT
- 230: ALONG
- 231: FEET
- 232: CLOSE
- 234: SEEM
- 235: NEXT
- 236: HARD
- 237: CAR
- 238: EXAMPLE
- 239: BEGIN
- 23: THIS
- 240: LIFE
- 241: ALWAYS
- 242: MILE
- 243: BOTH
- 244: PAPER
- 246: NIGHT
- 247: GROUP
- 248: OFTEN
- 249: WHITE
- 24: HAVE
- 250: ROAD
- 251: CROSS
- 252: SPEAK
- 253: SOLVE
- 254: APPEAR
- 255: METAL
- 256: SON
- 257: EITHER
- 258: ICE
- 259: SLEEP
- 25: FROM
- 260: VILLAGE
- 261: FACTORS
- 262: RESULT
- 263: JUMPED
- 264: SNOW
- 265: RIDE
- 266: CARE
- 267: FLOOR
- 268: HILL
- 269: PUSHED
- 26: OR
- 270: BABY
- 271: BUY
- 272: CENTURY
- 273: OUTSIDE
- 275: TALL
- 276: ALREADY
- 277: INSTEAD
- 278: PHRASE
- 279: SOIL
- 27: ONE
- 280: BED
- 281: COPY
- 282: FREE
- 283: HOPE
- 284: SPRING
- 285: CASE
- 286: LAUGHED
- 287: NATION
- 288: QUITE
- 289: TYPE
- 28: HAD
- 292: BRIGHT
- 293: LEAD
- 295: METHOD
- 296: SECTION
- 297: LAKE
- 299: WITHIN
- 29: BY
- 2: OF
- 301: HAIR
- 302: AGE
- 303: AMOUNT
- 304: SCALE
- 305: POUNDS
- 307: PER
- 308: BROKEN
- 309: MOMENT
- 30: WORD
- 310: TINY
- 312: GOLD
- 313: MILK
- 314: QUIET
- 315: NATURAL
- 316: LOT
- 317: STONE
- 318: ACT
- 319: BUILD
- 31: BUT
- 320: MIDDLE
- 321: SPEED
- 322: COUNT
- 323: CAT
- 325: SAIL
- 326: ROLLED
- 327: BEAR
- 328: WONDER
- 329: SMILED
- 32: NOT
- 330: ANGLE
- 332: AFRICA
- 333: KILLED
- 334: MELODY
- 335: BOTTOM
- 336: TRIP
- 337: HOLE
- 338: POOR
- 339: LET’S
- 33: WHAT
- 340: FIGHT
- 342: FRENCH
- 343: DIED
- 344: BEAT
- 345: EXACTLY
- 346: REMAIN
- 347: DRESS
- 348: IRON
- 349: COULDN’T
- 34: ALL
- 350: FINGERS
- 351: LEGS
- 352: SAT
- 353: MAIN
- 354: WINTER
- 355: WIDE
- 356: WRITTEN
- 357: LENGTH
- 358: REASON
- 359: KEPT
- 35: WERE
- 361: ARMS
- 362: BROTHER
- 363: RACE
- 364: PRESENT
- 366: STORE
- 367: JOB
- 368: EDGE
- 369: PAST
- 36: WE
- 370: SIGN
- 371: RECORD
- 374: WILD
- 375: HAPPY
- 376: BESIDE
- 377: GONE
- 378: SKY
- 379: GLASS
- 37: WHEN
- 380: MILLION
- 381: WEST
- 382: LAY
- 383: WEATHER
- 384: ROOT
- 386: MEET
- 387: THIRD
- 388: MONTHS
- 38: YOUR
- 390: RAISED
- 392: SOFT
- 393: WHETHER
- 394: CLOTHES
- 395: FLOWERS
- 396: SHALL
- 397: TEACHER
- 398: HELD
- 39: CAN
- 3: AND
- 400: DRIVE
- 401: CAN’T (CANNOT)
- 402: MATTER
- 403: SQUARE
- 405: PERHAPS
- 406: BILL
- 407: FELT
- 409: TEST
- 40: SAID
- 411: EAST
- 412: FARMERS
- 413: READY
- 415: DIVIDED
- 416: GENERAL
- 417: ENERGY
- 418: SUBJECT
- 419: EUROPE
- 41: THERE
- 420: MOON
- 421: REGION
- 422: RETURN
- 423: BELIEVE
- 424: DANCE
- 425: MEMBERS
- 426: PICKED
- 427: SIMPLE
- 428: CELLS
- 429: PAINT
- 42: USE
- 430: MIND
- 431: LOVE
- 432: CAUSE
- 433: RAIN
- 435: EGGS
- 436: TRAIN
- 437: BLUE
- 438: WISH
- 439: DROP
- 43: EACH
- 441: WINDOW
- 444: HEART
- 445: SIT
- 446: SUM
- 447: SUMMER
- 448: WALL
- 449: FOREST
- 44: WHICH
- 451: OPEN
- 452: SAW
- 453: LEFT
- 454: DON’T
- 455: MIGHT
- 456: THOSE
- 457: GOT
- 458: WALK
- 459: RUN
- 45: DO
- 460: SEA
- 461: BEGAN
- 462: GROW
- 463: TOOK
- 464: RIVER
- 465: FOUR
- 466: CARRY
- 467: STATE
- 468: ONCE
- 469: BOOK
- 46: SHE
- 470: HEAR
- 471: STOP
- 472: WITHOUT
- 473: SECOND
- 474: LATER
- 475: MISS
- 476: IDEA
- 477: ENOUGH
- 478: EAT
- 479: FACE
- 47: IF
- 480: WATCH
- 481: FAR
- 482: INDIAN
- 483: REALLY
- 484: ALMOST
- 485: LET
- 486: ABOVE
- 487: GIRL
- 48: HOW
- 490: CUT
- 491: YOUNG
- 492: TALK
- 493: SOON
- 494: LIST
- 495: SONG
- 496: BEING
- 497: LEAVE
- 498: FAMILY
- 499: IT’S
- 49: THEIR
- 4: A/AN
- 500: BODY
- 501: MUSIC
- 503: STAND
- 504: SUN
- 506: FISH
- 507: AREA
- 508: MARK
- 509: DOG
- 50: WILL
- 510: HORSE
- 511: BIRDS
- 512: PROBLEM
- 514: ROOM
- 515: KNEW
- 516: SINCE
- 517: EVER
- 518: PIECE
- 519: BECOME
- 51: UP
- 520: TOLD
- 521: USUALLY
- 522: DIDN’T (DID NOT)
- 523: FRIENDS
- 524: EASY
- 525: HEARD
- 526: ORDER
- 527: RED
- 528: DOOR
- 529: SURE
- 52: OTHER
- 530: WIND
- 531: SHIP
- 532: ACROSS
- 533: TODAY
- 534: DURING
- 535: SHORT
- 536: BETTER
- 537: BEST
- 538: HOWEVER
- 539: LOW
- 53: OUT
- 540: HOURS
- 541: BLACK
- 544: WHOLE
- 545: MEASURE
- 547: EARLY
- 548: WAVES
- 549: REACHED
- 54: ABOUT
- 550: LISTEN
- 551: TOP
- 552: ROCK
- 553: SPACE
- 554: COVERED
- 555: FAST
- 556: SEVERAL
- 557: HOLD
- 558: HIMSELF
- 559: TOWARD(S)
- 55: MANY
- 560: FIVE
- 561: STEP
- 562: MORNING
- 563: PASSED
- 564: VOWEL
- 565: TRUE
- 566: HUNDRED
- 567: AGAINST
- 568: PATTERN
- 569: NUMERAL
- 56: THEN
- 570: TABLE
- 571: NORTH
- 572: SLOWLY
- 573: MONEY
- 574: MAP
- 575: FARM
- 576: PULLED
- 577: DRAW
- 578: VOICE
- 579: SEEN
- 57: THEM
- 580: COLD
- 581: CRIED
- 582: PLAN
- 583: NOTICE
- 584: SOUTH
- 585: SING
- 586: WAR
- 587: GROUND
- 588: FALL
- 589: KING
- 58: THESE
- 590: TOWN
- 591: FIELD
- 592: UNIT
- 593: FIGURE
- 594: CERTAIN
- 595: TRAVEL
- 596: WOOD
- 597: FIRE
- 598: UPON
- 599: DONE
- 59: SO
- 5: TO
- 600: ENGLISH
- 601: GAME
- 602: HALT
- 603: TEN
- 604: FLY
- 605: GAVE
- 606: BOX
- 607: FINALLY
- 608: WAIT
- 609: CORRECT
- 60: SOME
- 610: OH
- 611: QUICKLY
- 612: PERSON
- 613: BECAME
- 614: SHOWN
- 615: MINUTES
- 616: STRONG
- 617: VERB
- 618: STARS
- 619: FRONT
- 61: HER
- 620: FEEL
- 621: FACT
- 622: INCHES
- 623: STREET
- 624: DECIDED
- 625: CONTAIN
- 626: COURSE
- 627: SURFACE
- 628: PRODUCE
- 62: EVERY
- 630: OCEAN
- 631: CLASS
- 632: NOTE
- 633: NOTHING
- 634: REST
- 637: INSIDE
- 638: WHEELS
- 639: STAY
- 63: MADE
- 640: GREEN
- 641: KNOWN
- 642: ISLAND
- 643: WEEK
- 644: LESS
- 645: MACHINE
- 646: BASE
- 647: AGO
- 648: STOOD
- 649: PLANE
- 64: LIKE
- 650: SYSTEM
- 651: BEHIND
- 652: RAN
- 653: ROUND
- 654: BOAT
- 655: YES
- 656: BROUGHT
- 658: WARM
- 659: COMMON
- 65: HIM
- 660: EXPLAIN
- 661: BRING
- 662: DRY
- 663: THOUGH
- 665: SHAPE
- 666: DEEP
- 668: FORCE
- 669: CLEAR
- 66: INTO
- 671: YET
- 673: CATCH
- 674: FILLED
- 675: HEAT
- 676: FULL
- 677: HOT
- 678: CHECK
- 679: OBJECT
- 67: TIME
- 680: I AM
- 681: RULE
- 682: AMONG
- 683: NOUN
- 684: POWER
- 685: HEAVY
- 686: ABLE
- 687: SIX
- 688: SIZE
- 689: DARK
- 68: HAS
- 690: BALL
- 692: SPECIAL
- 693: BUILT
- 694: FINE
- 695: PAIR
- 696: CIRCLE
- 697: INCLUDE
- 698: ROW
- 699: LEAST
- 69: LOOK
- 6: IN
- 700: CLIMBED
- 701: WROTE
- 702: SHOUTED
- 704: ITSELF
- 705: ELSE
- 706: PLAINS
- 707: GAS
- 708: ENGLAND
- 709: BURNING
- 70: TWO
- 710: DESIGN
- 711: JOINED
- 712: FOOT
- 713: LAW
- 714: EARS
- 715: GRASS
- 716: YOU’RE (YOU ARE)
- 717: GREW
- 718: SKIN
- 719: VALLEY
- 71: MORE
- 720: CENTS
- 721: KEY
- 723: BROWN
- 724: TROUBLE
- 725: COOL
- 726: CLOUD
- 727: LOST
- 728: SENT
- 729: ALONE
- 72: WRITE
- 730: WEAR
- 731: SYMBOLS
- 732: SAVE
- 734: ENGINE
- 735: BAD
- 736: DRAWING
- 737: BONES
- 738: PAY
- 739: SINGLE
- 73: GO
- 740: TOUCH
- 742: EXPRESS
- 743: MOUTH
- 744: YARD
- 745: EQUAL
- 746: DECIMAL
- 748: CONTROL
- 74: NO
- 750: REPORT
- 752: RISE
- 754: STICK
- 755: PARTY
- 756: CAUGHT
- 757: FELL
- 758: TEAM
- 759: GOD
- 75: SEE
- 760: CAPTAIN
- 761: DIRECT
- 762: RING
- 763: SERVE
- 764: CHILD
- 765: DESERT
- 766: SEEDS
- 767: SUPPOSE
- 768: WOMAN
- 769: COAST
- 76: WAY
- 770: BANK
- 771: PERIOD
- 772: WIRE
- 773: CHOOSE
- 774: CLEAN
- 775: VISIT
- 776: BIT
- 777: WHOSE
- 779: GARDEN
- 77: NUMBER
- 780: THUS
- 781: STRANGE
- 783: HISTORY
- 784: COST
- 785: MAYBE
- 788: BREAK
- 789: UNCLE
- 78: COULD
- 790: HUNTING
- 791: FLOW
- 792: LADY
- 794: HUMAN
- 795: ART
- 796: FEELING
- 797: SUPPLY
- 798: CORNER
- 79: PEOPLE
- 7: IS
- 800: INSECTS
- 801: PLEASE
- 802: CROPS
- 803: TONE
- 804: HIT
- 805: SAND
- 806: DOCTOR
- 807: PROVIDE
- 808: FAMOUS
- 809: COOK
- 80: THAN
- 810: TAIL
- 811: BOARD
- 812: MODERN
- 814: MINE
- 815: EXCEPT
- 816: FIT
- 818: BELONG
- 819: SAFE
- 81: MY
- 821: GUESS
- 822: SILENT
- 823: TRADE
- 824: RATHER
- 825: COMPARE
- 826: CROWD
- 827: POEM
- 828: ENJOY
- 82: FIRST
- 831: EXPECT
- 832: FLAT
- 833: SEVEN
- 835: SENSE
- 836: STRING
- 837: BLOW
- 838: VALUE
- 839: WINGS
- 83: WATER
- 841: POLE
- 844: THICK
- 845: BLOOD
- 846: HAT
- 847: RADIO
- 848: BELL
- 849: FUN
- 84: BE
- 850: LOUD
- 853: THIN
- 855: ENTERED
- 856: FRUIT
- 857: TIED
- 858: RICH
- 859: DOLLARS
- 85: WHO
- 860: SEND
- 861: SIGHT
- 862: CHIEF
- 864: STREAM
- 865: PLANETS
- 866: RHYTHM
- 867: EIGHT
- 868: SCIENCE
- 869: MAJOR
- 86: OIL
- 870: OBSERVE
- 871: TUBE
- 873: WEIGHT
- 874: MEAT
- 875: SWIM
- 876: PROCESS
- 877: ARMY
- 878: LIE
- 87: ITS
- 881: LIFTED
- 882: TERMS
- 883: CURRENT
- 884: PARK
- 885: SELL
- 888: WASH
- 889: BLOCK
- 88: NOW
- 890: SPREAD
- 891: CATTLE
- 892: WIFE
- 893: SHARP
- 894: COMPANY
- 895: SPOT
- 897: ACTION
- 898: CAPITAL
- 899: SETTLED
- 89: FIND
- 8: YOU
- 900: YELLOW
- 901: SISTER
- 902: OXYGEN
- 903: PLURAL
- 904: VARIOUS
- 906: TRUCK
- 907: FAIR
- 908: PRINTED
- 909: GUN
- 90: LONG
- 910: AHEAD
- 911: CHANCE
- 912: BORN
- 913: LEVEL
- 916: FRANCE
- 918: COLUMN
- 919: WESTERN
- 91: NEW
- 920: CHURCH
- 921: AGREED
- 923: WRONG
- 924: CHART
- 926: PRETTY
- 928: FRESH
- 929: DEAD
- 92: DAY
- 930: SUFFIX
- 932: SHOES
- 934: NOSE
- 935: AFRAID
- 936: SHOP
- 937: SUGAR
- 939: FIG
- 93: GET
- 940: OFFICE
- 941: HUGE
- 942: SIMILAR
- 943: DEATH
- 944: SCORE
- 945: FORWARD
- 948: ROSE
- 949: ALLOW
- 94: COME
- 950: FEAR
- 951: WORKERS
- 952: NINE
- 953: GREEK
- 954: WOMEN
- 955: BOUGHT
- 956: LED
- 957: MARCH
- 959: CREATE
- 95: MAKE
- 960: BRITISH
- 962: MATCH
- 963: WIN
- 964: VIEW
- 965: STEEL
- 966: TOTAL
- 967: DEAL
- 969: EVENING
- 96: MAY
- 970: ROPE
- 971: COTTON
- 972: APPLE
- 973: DETAILS
- 974: ENTIRE
- 975: CORN
- 977: SMELL
- 978: TOOLS
- 97: PART
- 980: COWS
- 981: TRACK
- 982: ARRIVED
- 983: LOCATED
- 984: SIR
- 985: SEAT
- 987: EFFECT
- 989: ISN’T (IS NOT)
- 98: CALL
- 990: YOUTH
- 992: WASN’T (WAS NOT)
- 993: WRAP
- 994: WITNESS
- 996: THROAT
- 999: NEAT
- 99: DOWN
- 9: THAT
- SŁOWA 1-100
- SŁOWA 101-200
- SŁOWA 201-300
- SŁOWA 301-400
- SŁOWA 401-500
- SŁOWA 501-600
- SŁOWA 601-700
- SŁOWA 701-800
- SŁOWA 801-900
- SŁOWA 901-1000
- Regulamin
- Mapa strony
- Kontakt
- Polecaj
- Pomoc
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