B1.1. Stages in life

     Human’s life seems to be funny. We usually don’t appreciate the stage in life that we are currently in and then we miss the times that passed by.

     Kids in a preschool age admire their older friends and want to go to school. As we grow up, we think that school is boring and we secretly dream about adulthood. However, when we turn 18, it turns out that school life was actually carefree and we regret that we didn’t live it at its fullest.

     Alongside puberty, we are facing more and more duties that are a sign that our youth is coming to an end. We start families in our late twenties, expecting a birth of our kid with excitement. After that, it turns out that their infancy is not as colourful as we thought, because a newborn wakes us up at night and requires a lot of attention. This makes us look at our peers who are still single with jealousy. The good thing is that after a few months, the first words of our toddler which are usually ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ compensate us for all the sleepless nights.

     That idyll ends when we are in our middle age. For some reasons, our kids start thinking that they are smarter than us, which leads to many unwanted conflicts and stress. They start going out with their friends as we are staying home worried about their safety. That makes us miss those sleepless nights 15 years earlier.

      Time passes by and we are aging. The elderly have more free time, but they face plenty of problems that affect their lives. Diseases and lack of energy make it that we are no longer able to enjoy and experience everything that we didn’t have a chance to experience before. This is when we start missing the middle age which maybe wasn’t perfect, but didn’t limit our experiences so much.


Familiarize yourself with the vocabulary below:

birth – narodzenie
infancy – okres niemowlęcy
newborn – noworodek
toddler – szkrab
preschool age – wiek przedszkolny
peer – rówieśnik
growing up – dorastanie
youth – młodość
puberty – dojrzewanie
turn 18 – ukończyć 18 lat
adulthood – dorosłość
middle age – wiek średni
one’s late twenties – przed trzydziestką
ageing – starzenie się
the elderly – osoby starsze


Answer the questions:

1. 4-year-old kids think that school is boring. 

2. Adulthood is full of new obligations that we had no idea about before.  

3. When our kids are born, we are jealous of our younger friends who didn’t start their families yet. 

4. Teenagers respect their parents and agree with their decisions. 

5. Old people miss their youth due to the amount of free time. 



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