Confusing English (Kłopotliwy angielski)

   Cykl “Confusing English” to szereg ćwiczeń dzięki którym poznasz zagadnienia sprawiające trudności spotykane na co dzień w języku angielskim.

-1- A1 This/That and These/Those
-2- A1 Irregular Plural Nouns
-3- A1 Capital letters
-4- A1 DO or MAKE?
-5- A1 „Going to” and „going to”
-6- A1 Family members
-7- A1 For, since, ago… – talking about the time
-8- A1 SOME or ANY?
-9- A1 MUCH or MANY?
-10- A1 LOL, YOLO, ROFL… and many more
-11- A1 Homophones
-12- A1 Multiple meanings
-13- A1 One letter
-14- A1 IN, ON or AT
-15- A2 „I” or „me”?
-16- A2 Irregular Plural Nouns
-17- A2 Capital letters
-18- A2 DO or MAKE?
-19- A2 Speak or talk?
-20- A2 WHO, WHOM or WHOSE?
-21- A2 Countries and nationalities
-22- A2 Job / Profession / Occupation
-23- A2 CAN or MUST? (Modal verbs)
-24- A2 Synonyms
-25- A2 Homophones
-26- A2 Homophones and Confusables: Wear/Were/Where/We’re
-27- A2 Similes
-28- A2 One letter
-29- B1 Different Meanings
-30- B1 Key Questions (Basic Questions)
-31- B1 False Friends English – Polish
-32- B1 Letter patterns
-33- B1 Phrasal Verbs
-34- B1 Idioms
-35- B1 Less or fewer?
-36- B1 Synonyms
-37- B1 Irregular Adjectives
-38- B1 Indirect questions
-39- B1 Pronouns
-40- B1 Homophones and Confusables: Whether/Weather
-41- B1 Base and strong adjectives
-42- B1 Articles
-43- B1 British English vs American English
-44- B2 Phrasal Verbs
-45- B2 Phrasal Verbs II
-46- B2 False Friends English – Polish
-47- B2 False Friends II Polish – English
-48- B2 City, town, county, village?
-49- B2 Proper Nouns and Common Nouns
-50- B2 Different meanings
-51- B2 Question Tags
-52- B2 To, Two and Too
-53- B2 Homophones
-54- B2 Homophones and Confusables: Our/Are
-55- B2 Idioms
-56- B2 Sayings and proverbs
-57- B2 One letter
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